T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
Adapter to perform read (to INFIBUS) or write
enables the Mag Tape Controller to transfer
(from INFIBUS) operations. When the Mag
a group of data bytes (called blocks) =
Tape Controller is ready to begin transfers,
These blocks are transferred directly to the
it notifies the Block Transfer Adapter via the
Core Memory during the loading of an oper-
BTA control lines, BTA1-N through BTA4-N.
ating program, to or from the RMR function
This control word also causes the Block
during rapid memory reload, or to the TTY
Transfer Adapter to operate as a master.
function after the utility print program has
been loaded.
5-84. The Block Transfer Adapter now gen-
erates a DDT, as explained previously,
5 - 8 2 . To transfer a block of data from the
which places the starting address on the
Formatter function, the Formatter causes
INFIBUS address lines, AB00-N through
the Mag Tape Controller to generate a level
AB15-N. If a write operation is to be per-
3 interrupt. To transfer a block of data to
formed RITE-N is generated and the data
the Formatter function the stored software
from the INFIBUS data lines is loaded into
program determines when data is to be
the Mag Tape Controller. When the Mag
transferred. In both of these cases, the
Tape Controller accepts the data, it gener-
Mag Tape Controller and Block Transfer
ates DONE-N which frees the INFIBUS.
Adapter status registers (address F8C0 16)
This data is clocked through the Mag Tape
are written into which clears both functions.
Controller to the Formatter. At the same
When both functions are cleared the Mag
time, the Block Transfer Adapter block
Tape Controller generates DONE-N which
length register is decremented by one and
frees the INFIBUS. Then the CPU addresses
the address register is incremented by one.
the Mag Tape Controller and Block Trans-
After the data is clocked through the Mag
fer Adapter control registers (address
Tape Controller, it notifies the Block Trans-
F8C6 16) and loads a control word from the
fer Adapter, via the BTA control lines, that
INFIBUS data lines, DB00-N through
it is ready to perform another transfer and
DB15-N, into the control registers. This
the sequence is repeated (except address is
control word idles the Block Transfer Adapter
increased by one) until the block length
and enables the Mag Tape Controller to
register is at zero.
transfer data. The CPU new initializes the
Mag Tape Unit via the Mag Tape Controller
5 - 8 5 . If a read operation is to be performed,
and Formatter functions. The CPU then gen-
erates a second control word that idles the
RITE-N is not generated and the Mag Tape
Mag Tape Controller and enables the Block
Controller places the data on the INFIBUS
data lines. The Mag Tape Controller then
Transfer Adapter. The CPU now writes the
generates DONE-N which frees the INFIBUS.
block length (number of blocks to be
At the same time the block length register
transferred) into the Block Transfer Adapter
block length register (address F8C4 16).
decrements by one and the address register
When the block length is loaded in the
increments by one. The Mag Tape Con-
block length register the Block Transfer
troller notifies the Block Transfer Adapter
Adapter generates DONE-N which frees the
that it is ready to perform another data
INFIBUS. The CPU then loads one of the
transfer and the sequence is repeated
following addresses into the Block Transfer
(except address is increased by one) until
Adapter address register (address F8C2 16):
the block length register is at zero.
start address (if the data is to be read from
or written into Core Memory), RMR address
5 - 8 6 . When the block length register
(if the data is to be read from or written into
reaches zero, all Mag Tape Controller and
the RMR function), or the TTY function
Block Transfer Adapter operations cease.
address (utility print program).
Also, the Mag Tape Controller generates a
level 3 interrupt which notifies the CPU
5 - 8 3 . The CPU now loads a control word
that the block transfer is complete. The
into the Block Transfer Adapter and Mag
CPU then reinitializes the Mag Tape Con-
Tape Controller control register that enables
troller and Block Transfer Adapter with a new
the Mag Tape Controller and Block Transfer
block length and, starting address. This
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