T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
The PWST-N input to the Bus Con-
hen a Processor function requests
operation is the same
troller from the PFD/CLOCK function is the
a level
as a level 4 Interrupt except that SRL2-N
power fail/power restart signal. It is a 9.6
and SEL2-N are used and the Bus Controller
kilohertz square wave signal that is gen-
erated 2.2 to 3.0 msec before loss of reg-
generates a binary code (ILOR-N and IL1R-N)
ulated dc power and it is a level 4 internal
which represents a level 2 interrupt. Also,
interrupts. The Bus Controller, upon
the CPU generates mask bits (LB12-P through
sensing PWST-N, generates an internal
ich block the level 2 interrupt
level 4 internal interrupts to the CPU
to notify it of eventual loss of power
and open the level 1 interrupt.
and then generates master reset pulses
5-42. When a Processor function requests
MRES-N. MRES-N is routed to all
a level 1 Interrupt, operation is the same
Processor functions to clear each
function. Between these MRES-N pulses,
as a level 4 interrupt except that SRL1-N
the CPU performs required operations for an
and SELl-N are used and the Bus Controller
generates a binary code (ILOR-N and IL1R-N)
orderly shutdown. If regulation is only
lost momentarily and then regained, the
which represents a level 1 interrupt. Also,
Bus Controller generates a second level 4
the CPU generates mask bits (LB12-P through
LB15-P) which block the level 1 Interrupt
internal interrupts to notify the CPU
and open the level 4 interrupt.
of restored power. Associated with
power fail and power restart internal
Interrupts are PFIN-N, PRIN-N and
If SACK-N is not sensed by the Bus
PRAL-N inputs to the Bus Controller
Controller within 2 usec after SEL4-N,
from the Program. Maintenance Panel.
SEL3-N, SEL2-N o r S E L 1 - N a n d P C D A - P
PFIN-N is generated by a switch behind
the front panel and the Bus Controller uses
is generated, the Bus Controller generates
SACK-?`: which will abort the associated
PFIN-N to inhibit a power fail level
interrupt request. If DONE-N is not gen-
4 internal interrupts. PRIN-N and
erated by the CPU within 2 usec after
PRAL-N are generated by a three
STRB-N is generated by the interrupting
position switch located behind
function, the Bus Controller generates
to inhibit the power restart level 4
QUIT-N which aborts the interrupt and frees
internal interrupts. in the AL
p o s i t i o n , PRAL-N is generated and
the Bus Controller generates auto-
The lowest level priority for INFIBUS
load signal, ATLD-N, when power re-
access is CPU selection and service. This
start is indicated instead of the
priority, called CPU interrupt: operates in
level 4 internal interrupts. In the
exactly the same manner as module selec-
OFF position, the level 4 internal
interrupts is enabled and ATLD-N is
tion and service (DDT) except that this
interrupt uses the SRLC-N and SELC-N sig-
nals rather than the SRLD-N and SELD-N
The LFRQ-N input to the Bus Con-
s i g n a l s . The CPU interrupt is also a DDT
troller is a pulse generated every 40 msec
however, these transfers occur only between
by the PFD/Clock function. The Bus Con-
the CPU and the Core Memory Controller.
troller uses this pulse to also generate a
They are generated when it is required to
level 4 internal interrputs. Every 40
write data into or read data out of the Core
msec the LFRQ-N level 4 internal
Memory under control of the stored software
interrupts causes the CPU to update
the calendar and clock program stored
in the Core Memory. Associated with
LFRQ-N is the LFIN-N input from
the Program Maintenance Panel which is
The secondary function of the Bus
generated by a switch located behind the
Controller is to generate CPU internal
front panel. LFIN-N inhibits the LFRQ-N
interrupts. CPU internal interrupts are
generated by the Bus Controller for
level 4 internal interrupts.
power fail, power restart, to update
The EXAT-N input is generated by
the calendar and clock program stored
the Program m Maintenance Pane! when the
in the Core Memory, and for operator
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