T.O. 31S85-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
figure 4) to be generated. DNOL-P informs
tion of the data transfer, if no other func-
the CPU that the interrupting functions de-
tion is requesting INFIBUS access, STRB-N
vice number is on the INFIBUS. The CPU
is removed and the INFIBUS is idle. If
reads the device number from the INFIBUS
either master does not receive DONE-N
and then generates DONE-N (waveform L,
within 2 usec after STRB-N is generated,
figure 4) to indicate the interrupt request is
the Bus Controller generates QUIT-N which
loaded in the CPU. After the removal of
aborts the service cycle and frees the
DONE-N, the interrupting function removes
INFIBUS for other data transfers by forcing
STRB-N which frees the INFIBUS for other
the selected master to remove STRB-N.
5-36. When a function requests a level
5-38. Between these other INFIBUS oper-
four interrupt, it generates SRL4-N (wave-
ations, the CPU transfers the device num-
form A, figure 4). The Bus Controller senses
ber of the interrupting function to the level
SRL4-N and generates NEXT-N (waveform B,
4 area of executive space in the Core Mem-
figure 4) to the CPU through the intercon-
ory. The CPU now vectors to a stored soft-
necting module (ICM). NEXT-N informs the
ware program subroutine that accesses the
CPU that an interrupt has been sensed and
interrupting function and allows data to be
the CPU completes its current step and
transferred into or out of the interrupting
jumps to an interrupt stored software pro-
function. The actual sequence of events
gram subroutine. When ready to accept the
involved is determined by the stored soft-
interrupt, the CPU generates SCM3-N (wave-
ware program.
form C, figure 4) to the Bus Controller via
the ICM. SCM3-N allows the Bus Controller
5-39. While the device number is being
to select the interrupt if the higher priority
processed by the CPU, the CPU generates
signal SRLD-N is not being generated by a
mask bits LB12-P through LB15-P (waveform
master. The Bus Controller now generates
M, figure 4) which are routed to the Bus
the select line, SEL4-N (waveform D, fig-
Controller. At the same time the CPU gen-
ure 4), and the precedence pulse, PCDA-P
erates STAT-N (waveform N, figure 4) which
(waveform E, figure 4). The interrupting
strobes the mask bits into the Bus Con-
function senses SEL4-N, traps the proce-
troller. The mask bits are used to block
dence pulse, and then removes SRL4-N and
the serviced interrupt level and allows the
generates SACK-N (waveform F, figure 4).
next lower priority interrupt level to be se-
SACK-N prevents other functions from re-
lected. In this way one interrupt level
questing INFIBUS access and is sensed by
cannot tie up the CPU and the four levels
the Bus Controller which removes SEL4-N .
of interrupts are each sequentially serviced.
The Bus Controller then generates HOLD-N
During a level 4 interrupt INFIBUS access
(waveform G, figure 4) which is routed to the
request, the level 4 interrupt will be closed
CPU. HOLD-N prevents the CPU from per-
(masked) and the level 3 interrupt will be
forming any operations with the Core Mem-
opened. When the level 3 interrupt is com-
ory. The Bus Controller also generates a
pleted the level 2 interrupt will be serviced.
binary code, ILOR-N and IL1R-N (waveform
When the level 2 interrupt is completed,
H, figure 4), which is routed to the CPU.
the level 1 interrupt is serviced and when
This binary code informs the CPU that a
the level 1 interrupt is completed the level
level 4 interrupt has been selected.
4 interrupt is opened again.
5-40. When a Processor function requests
5 - 3 7 . The selected interrupting function
a level 3 interrupt, operation is the same as
now places its device number (waveform 1,
a level 4 interrupt except that SRL3-N and
figure 4) on the INFIBUS data lines DB04-N
SEL3-N are used and the Bus Controller
through DBl-N. It then generates STRB-N
generates a binary code (ILOR-N and IL1R-N)
(waveform J, figure 4) and removes SACK-N
which represents a level 3 interrupt. Also,
which allows a second interrupting function
the CPU generates mask bits (LB12-P through
to be selected. The Bus Controller senses
LB15-P) which block the level 3 interrupt
the generation ofSTRB-N and the removal of
and open the level 2 interrupt.
SACK-N which causes DNOL-P (waveform K,
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