![]() TB9-2510-242-40
c. The welding current, voltage, gas flow, filler metal diameter and travel speed shall be such that each pass will
have complete fusion with adjacent weld metal and base metal. There shall be no overlap, excessive porosity or
undercutting in excess of Table 5.
d. The welder shall employ the forehand technique.
4.1.10 Welding Techniques - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) with Single Electrode .
The following restrictions on GMAW procedures must be observed at all times.
a. The maximum size of a stringer bead fillet weld make in one pass shall be 1/2 inch for the flat and vertical
positions and 3/8 inch for horizontal and overhead positions.
b. The thickness of weld layers, except root and surface layers shall not exceed inch. When the root opening of a
groove weld exceeds 3/8 inch, a multiple pass split layer technique shall be used. The split layer technique shall
also be used in making all multiple pass welds when the width of the layer exceeds 1/2 inch.
c. The welding current, voltage, gas flow and travel speed shall be such that the arc is in the spray transfer made
and that each pass will have complete fusion with adjacent weld metal and base metal. There shall be no
overlap or excessive porosity or undercutting in excess of the values provided in Table 5.
d. Runoff tabs may be used to break the arc, thus avoiding formation of crater cracks.
e. The progression of all passes of vertical position welding shall be upwards.
f. Welder shall employ the forehand technique. A backhand technique shall be permitted for root pass disposition
when the welder is qualified for that technique
g. Complete joint penetration groove welds make without the use of backing shall have the root of the initial pass
back gouged, chipped or otherwise removed to sound metal, and all trace of root discontinuity shall be eliminated
before welding is started from the second side.
4.1.11 Weld Inspection - Visual . All welds shall be visually inspected. All welds must exhibit the following
no visible cracks in surface of weld or base metal
thorough fusion exists between adjacent layers of weld metal and base metal
all craters filled
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