TB 600-2
words that have the same meaning. Each question is
3-6. Classification of Prospective Operators. The
made up of one underlined word on the left followed by
information obtained from the interview, battery tests,
five more words. The student looks at the five words on
and physical evaluation tests is recorded on DA Form
the right and chooses the one that is exactly like the
348. This information provides a basis for classification
underlined word on the left. Also, the size of the type
of potential operating ability. Three distinct categories of
becomes progressively smaller in the tests.
students are as follows.
d. DA-Form 6124 (Two-Hand Coordination Test) is
designed to determine accuracy and speed of hand
a. Considerable previous experience in driving
movement in conjunction with eyesight. On the test
vehicles and operating equipment This group may be the
paper are three double paths of irregularly spaced
most readily trained in the shortest time; however, they
circles. The circles represent touchdown points for the
may have formed bad driving and/or operating habits
stylus. The examinee holds a stylus in each hand and at
that are difficult to overcome.
the proper signal walks the stylus from one circle to the
b. Limited previous driving and/or operating
next starting with the left hand and alternating left, right,
experience This group requires more time to train and
left, etc.
also may have formed some bad driving/operating
Physical Evaluation Measures.
c. No previous driving and/or operating experience
evaluation tests are intended for diagnostic guidance,
Personnel from this group will often make good
and counseling purposes. In addition, they will insure
operators if they are selected carefully and allocated
that all operators possess at least minimum physical
sufficient training time to compensate for lack of
requirements for safe operation.
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