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TB 600-2
4-1.  General.  This phase of instruction teaches the
manuals, technical bulletins, and lubrication orders.
student  administrative  procedures  that  must  be
These publications are listed in DA Pam 310-4.  The
performed by the operator how the equipment is
forms pertaining to his equipment are covered in detail,
constructed, how to keep the equipment operating
and the reports by which he records daily operations,
properly, and how operating faults are detected and
services are thoroughly explained in TM 38-750.
corrected. For students previously qualified to operate
Accident(s) will be reported and recorded as set forth in
equipment, this part of their training may be shortened to
AR 385-40. Required forms are listed in DA Pam 310-2.
include only subjects peculiar to the specific item on
Publications and forms are available through DA
which training is being conducted.
Publication supply channels as outlined in AR 310-1 and
a. It is essential for the student operator to become
DA Pam 310-10.
familiar with the major components of the equipment and
Principles of Driving Units.
functions they perform; services for which the operator
mechanical instruction of the student operators should
and other crew members are responsible; emergency
include  familiarization  with  the  characteristics  and
repair; field expedients; how to start and warm up the
construction of driving units, e.g., internal combustion
engine; and safety precautions.
engines, turbine engines, electrical motors, batteries and
b. The instructions/trainin g must be designed to
fuel cells to include the principles of operation and
permit student operators to gain sufficient experience, to
component systems. Basic information may be found in
enable them to demonstrate through performance a
TM 9-8000 and pertinent technical manuals.
general  knowledge  of  and  familiarity  with  proper
operation,  maintenance  and  safety  procedures.
4-5. Power Trains.  Instructions to student operators
Thorough operator and maintenance training will enable
should cover the purpose, components, and functions of
the operator to obtain maximum trouble free operation
power  trains.
The  different  types  of  clutches,
with minimum mechanical difficulty.
transmissions, transfer cases, propeller shafts, universal
c. The instructor and assistant instructor must
joints, final drives and differentials should be explained.
assure  that  correct  operating  techniques  are
The theory of operation and general data regarding
demonstrated on each new exercise before the student
these units can be found in TM 9-8000. Specific details
operator attempts the exercise.
for the equipment on which the student is being trained
are best obtained from the pertinent equipment technical
4-2. The Army Maintenance System (TAMMS).  The
manuals listed in DA Pam 310-4.
student operator is taught the Army equipment record
procedures as outlined in TM 38-750, including the
4-6. Instruments and Manipulation of Controls.  a.
categories of maintenance prescribed in AR 750-1. He
The prospective operator should be familiar with the
is taught how the system operates in carrying out
various types of instruments, how they work and what
maintenance  functions  that  vary  from  the  simple
each signifies. Specific instructions should be given on
preventive procedures performed by the operator himself
the instrument panel of the equipment to which the
to the complex repair and rebuild techniques employed
prospective operator will be assigned.
at depot maintenance shops. He is also taught that the
b. The proper use of controls and correct operating
work that can and should be done at each level is
cycle should be fully covered.
flexible; and depends upon the presence of skilled
mechanics and supervisors, the distribution of tools and
4-7. Electrical System. The major components of the
equipment, the availability of repair parts, time available
electrical system and theory should be taught as
to complete the task, and the tactical situation.  The
contained in TM 9-8000 and FM 11-60.
importance of the operator's position is emphasized, and
application of the theory to the equipment being covered
he is shown where he fits into the maintenance system.
should be from the technical manual for that equipment.
Subjects that should be included in the instruction are
4-3. Maintenance Publications, Forms, and Reports.
the batteries, generating system, magnetos, starting
The student operator is introduced to the publications
system,  ignition  system,  and  lighting  system.
required for the maintenance and operation of his
Troubleshooting should be emphasized when explaining
equipment, with emphasis on technical
electrical components.

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