![]() SB 740-95-10
or minor surface pitting.
1-1. Purpose. This bulletin provides storage service-
Stage III (Defect Code 92). Red, brown, green, black, or
ability standards for use in determining the materiel
white corrosion product with or without etching, pit- ting,
readiness status of stocks in the custody of supply and
or more extensive surface deterioration resulting in a
storage activities.
loose or granular condition.
Stage IV(Defect Code 93). Red, brown, green, black, or
1-2. Scope. This bulletin applies to General Standard
white corrosion progressed to the point where fit, wear,
for Uncomplicated Principal Items, Secondary Items,
function, or life of the item has been affected. Powdered
Spare and Repair Parts, Common Hardware, and
or scaly condition with pits or irregular areas of material
Command Piece Parts under the responsibility of the US
removed from the surface of the item.
Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command
(3) Cure date.
The date the item was
manufactured or cured. The cure date is usually
indicated by the applicable quarter of year digit, the
1-3. Definitions.
letter Q, and is terminated with the last two digits of
a. Definitions for the majority of specialized terms
the applicable year. For purposes of cure dating,
used may be found in MIL-STD- 109.
each year is divided into quarters as follows: First
b. Alphabetically, definitions for other specialized
Quarter: January, February, and March; Second
terms are as follows:
Quarter: April, May, and June; Third Quarter: July,
(1) Codes. Numbers and letters used for
August, and September; Fourth Quarter: October,
November, and December.
(a) Inspection frequency code (IFC). A
numeric code to tell how often inspection of
characteristics caused by an environment that
materiel in storage is to be performed. The
adversely affects its ability to function as intended.
numeric codes and definitions are listed in
See paragraph 2-6a(3Xj).
(a) Deterioration, polymeric plastic items.
(b) Quality defect code. A numeric code
Molded organic compounds: celluloid, bakelite,
as- signed to indicate the category of a given
lucite, vinyl, rubber, etc.
defect and to identify, by explanation, that
Stage I (Defect Code 94A). Fungus damage, color
particular defect. The coding system and
change, or distortion.
definitions are enumerated in paragraph 2-6a.
Stage II (Defect Code 94B). Sticky surface, craze
(c) Shelf-life code (SLC).
A code
cracks, dissolved paint, or small cracks.
assigned to a shelf-life item.
The code
Stage III (Defect Code 94C). Liquefied material, large
identifies a period of time that starts with the
cracks, crumbled (brittle), or fractured (broken) to an
date of manufacture or assembly and ends
extent where fit, function, or life has been affected.
when the item must be issued or be subjected
(b) Deterioration, polymeric non-plastic
to inspection, test, restoration, or to disposal
items. Non-molded organic components: cloth,
action (AR 700-89). The codes and associated
leather, hair, fur, felt, paper, cork, cardboard,
times are listed in paragraph 2-6d.
wood, etc.
(d) Test required code (TRC). A three-
Stage I (Defect Code 95A). Mold, fungus, damage, or
digit numeric-alpha code that is used in
color change.
Stage II (Defect Code 95B).
Shredding, warping,
examination is required (QUALITY DEFECT
shrinkage, distortion, embrittlement, small separations
CODES) or to cross-reference additional
(cracks or tears), or slight swelling.
inspection requirements. The code meanings
Stage III (Defect Code 95C). Gross swelling, soggy,
are in paragraph 2-6f.
large cracks, rot, insect infestation, brittle disintegration,
(2) Corrosion, metals.
See paragraph 2-
or large or complete separations to an extent where fit,
6a(3Xj). Stage I (Defect Code 90). Discoloration or
function, or life has been affected.
staining with no direct visual evidence of pitting,
(c) Deterioration, Inorganic Vitreous Items.
etching, or other surface damage.
Glass, ceramic, solid carbon, etc.
Stage II (Defect Code 91). Red, brown, green, black, or
Stage I (Defect Code 96A). Small cracks or crazed
white corrosion product accompanied by minor etching
(crackled surface).
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