SB 740-95-10
Stage H (Defect Code 96B). Spalling (chipped) or
need occurs, e.g., initial receipt inspection (IR) is
per- formed when the shipment arrives.
fractured (broken, major cracks, or splits) to an extent
(7) Serviceable. The condition of an item
where fit, function, or life has been affected.
(5) Inspection (types of).
that has been determined by inspection to be satisfactory
(a) Cyclical inspection (CI). Surveillance
and safe for its intended use.
(8) Shelf-life item. An item of supply
of materiel in storage performed on a regular basis. In
possessing deteriorative or unstable characteristics to
this bulletin, the cycle is established in appendix A by the
the degree that a storage time period must be assigned
Inspection Frequency Code (IFC-see para 2-6e). The
to assure that it will perform satisfactorily in service.
purpose is to determine the serviceability status of items
There are two types of shelf-life items:
at the end of each cycle.
(a) Type I shelf-life item. An item of
(b) Initial receipt inspection (IR).
supply which is determined, through an evaluation of
technical test data or actual experience, to be an item
performed on newly manufactured
with a definite non-extendable shelf life.
materiel received directly from a vendor, manufacturer,
(b) Type II shelf-life item. An item of
or government activity. The purpose is to determine if
supply having an assigned shelf life, where the shelf life
the items, the packing, or the preservation have been
may be extended after the completion of a prescribed
damaged in transit and whether the packaging, marking,
inspection, a test, or a restorative action.
and preservation are correct. This inspection is not
(9) Storage serviceability standards
intended as an acceptance-type inspection.
(c) Pre-Issue inspection (PI).
Technical documents containing inspection
instructions and criteria essential to determine
inspections and tests on materiel immediately
serviceability of materiel in storage.
preceding issue.
(10) Unserviceable. The condition of an
(d) Prestorage inspection (PS).
item that has been determined by inspection to be
inspection performed on materiel received from other
unsatisfactory or unsafe for its intended use.
depots, posts, camps, stations, or overseas returns
received within CONUS. The purpose is to determine
the receipt condition and the current degree of
1-4. General. An Army objective is to attain and
serviceability of the items when serviceability status is
maintain a constant materiel readiness status of sup-
plies and equipment in depot stocks. The scope of this
(e) Special inspection (SI). An inspection
objective is of such magnitude that only general guide-
per- formed at the direction of higher headquarters or as
lines are provided by TM 743-200-1 for the quality
deemed necessary to satisfy local installation
evaluation of materiel in the custody of supply and
storage activities. This bulletin supplements TM 743-
(f) Unit basis inspection. An inspection
200-1 by providing systematic procedures for storage
where each unit in the lot is inspected for the defect
inspection of materiel and indicates the limited degree of
characteristic under consideration.
The unit basis
deterioration and damage accept- able.
It also
method is also used for serially-numbered major end
establishes the basis for identifying material requiring
items that are considered separately for surveillance
segregation, remedial care and preservation, or
classification action. Applicable requirements of the
(6) Occurrence basis. An inspection, without a
standard may be used for performing receipt and
predetermined time frame, that is performed as the
preshipment inspection.
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