SB 740-91-01
Setting and Instructions
Normal Indication
(39) Press and release SELF TEST key.
SCA displays GUNO1EOM.
Rotate SCA brightness through range.
Brightness varies.
During the following test do not:
a) View directly into flood lamp.
b) Leave floodlamp on for more than
3 minutes because thermal damage
may occur to the lamp or unit.
(40) Set SCA in vertical position. Set flood-
lamp on the center line, of SCA, in a
perpendicular plane.
(41) Remove SCA and replace with illuminometer.
Switch floodlamp on and adjust floodlamp
until illuminometer reads
7500 + 250 ft candles.
Switch floodlamp off.
(42) Remove illuminometer and replace with SCA.
Set SCA brightness to max. NOTE: If
during these tests the SCA or GA's time
out, press recall button as required.
(43) Switch floodlamp and check that SCA
display can be read from a distance of
28 + 2 inches.
SCA display visible.
At an angle of 30=+ 2 degrees.
(44) Switch off floodlamp.
(45) Repeat steps 41-45 for GA but increase
GA display visible.
viewing distance to 5ft + 3 inches.
(46) Rotate display controls through range.
Brightness varies.
(47) Connect DVM across BCU terminals.
Greater than 100 K ohms.
Measure resistance.
(48) Connect signal generator set to 1v+ 0.1v
peak-peak at 2.4 KHz - 100 Hz in series
with a 6 K ohm resistor to BCU terminals.
Set POWER switch on.
Change 1 B-130.25
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