SB 740-91-01
StepSetting and InstructionsNormal Indication
4(5) Deviation Level. Set for 8 kHz on Devia-
(cont.)tion Meter
(6) LO RF Set to Line. Right-hand meter to
red line.
(7) RF output. LO
(e) On TS-723B/U, set the controls as follows:
(1) Range. X10
(2) Input. MIN
(3) Frequency. Adjust controls for dial indi-
cation of 100
(4) Function Switch. Meter
(5) Meter Range Switch. 30 Vrms
(f) On RT-246/VRC or RT-524/VRC, set the con-
trols as follows:
(1) Band. B
(2) Light. Off
(3) MC-TUNE-KC. 60.05 MHz
(4) Squelch. Old Off
(5) Volume. Fully counterclockwise
(6) Power. Low
(7) Speaker. Off on the RT-524/VRC and
(g) Connect free lead of 600 ohm resistor to
terminal F of Test Cable No. 1.
(h) Connect TS-723B/U meter leads C and D to
Test Cable No. 1 terminals F and A, res-
pectively (muted output).
(i) Press Reset switch on the AN/USM-207
(j) Adjust AN/URM-103 RF tuning control for
60.05 KHz indication on the AN/USM-207.
(k) Adjust AN/URM-103 LO RF pV control for
11.6 iV
(1 ) Turn volume control of equipment under
test fully clockwise.
(m) Adjust volume control of equipment under
test for indication of 17.3 V (500 mW) on
TS-723B/U meter.
(n) Disconnect TS-723B/U meter leads C and D
from Test Cable No. 1. Connect RF input
leads B and A to Test Cable No. 1 termi-
nals F and A, respectively.
(o) On TS-723B/U, accomplish the following:
(1) Turn function switch to Set Level.
(2) Turn meter range switch to 100%.
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