SB 740-91-01
StepSetting and InstructionsNormal Indication
4(3) Adjust signal input control to produce
(cont.)full-scale (100%) deflection of meter.
(4) Turn function switch to Distortion
(5) Adjust frequency and balance controls
for minimum indication on meter.
(6) Turn meter range switch to lower rangeIt should indicate 8%
and repeat adjustments of above untilor less.
null is obtained. Record distortion as
indicated on TS-723B/U meter.
(p) Disconnect 600 ohm resistor from terminal F
and connect to terminal S of Test Cable No. 1.
(q) Connect TS-723B/U meter leads C and D to Test
Cable No. 1 terminals S and A, respectively.
(r) Perform steps (i), (j), and (k).
(s) Turn the volume control of equipment under It should indicate at
test fully clockwise. Record indication onleast 7.75 V (100 mW).
TS-723B/U meter.
(t) Disconnect TS-723B/U meter leads C and D from
Test Cable No. 1.
(u) Set TS-723B/U meter range switch to 0.3 Vrms.
(v) Connect TS-723B/U meter leads C and D to Test It should be between
Cable No. 1 terminals K and A, respectively.0.16 and 0.31 V.
Record indication on TS-723B/U meter.
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