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TM 5-4940-225-20P
(2) Second. Find the illustration cover-
ized for installation will indicate in the
source column the higher level.
ing the assembly group to which the repair
d. Repair kits and gasket sets appear as
part belongs.
the last entries in the repair parts listing
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on
the illustration and note the illustration
for the group or assembly to which they
figure and item number of the repair part,
(4) F o u r t h . U s i n g t h e R e p a i r P a r t s
e. The following publications pertain to
Listing, find the assembly group to which
shop equipment and its components:
the repair part belongs and locate the illus-
TM 5-4940-225-12 Operator and Or-
tration figure and item number noted on
the illustration,
b. When the Federal Stock Number of
Reference Number is known:
TM 5-4940-225-34 Direct and Gener-
(1) First. Using the Index of F e d e r a l
al Support, and
Stock Number and Reference Numbers find
Depot Mainte-
the pertinent Federal Stock Number or
nance Manual
reference number. This index is in ascend-
LO 5-4940-225-12 Lubrication Order
ing FSN sequence followed by a list of ref-
TM 5-4940-225-34P Direct and Gener-
erence numbers in ascending alpha-numeric
al Support Main-
sequence, cross-referenced to the illustra-
tenance Repair
tion figure number and item number,
Parts and Special
(2) Second. Using the Repair Parts
- Tools List
Listing, find the assembly group of the
repair part and the illustration figure
f. The illustrations in this manual are
number and item number referenced in the
identical to the applicable illustrations
index of Federal Stock Numbers and Refer-
published in the -34P, Direct and General
ence Numbers.
Support Maintenance Repair Parts and
Special Tools List manual (Including depot
6. Abbreviations
maintenance repair parts and special tools)
and the figure numbers are the same as
ft . . . . . . . . . . foot (feet)
appear in that manual. The -34P illustra-
lh . . . . . . . . . . . left hand
tions are given for a better understanding
mtg . . . . . . . . . mounting
of the parts relationship, however, only
rh . . . . . . . . . . . right hand
those parts assigned maintenance code" O"
PTO . . . . . . . . . . power take-off
are listed in the tabular list. Only illustra-
tions containing organizational authorized
7. Recommendations for Maintenance Pub-
items appear in this manual.
l ications Improvements
You can improve this manual by calling at-
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
tention to errors and by recommending
improvements, using DA Form 2028 (Rec-
a. When Federal Stock Number or Refer-
ommended Changes to Publications) or by
ence Number is unknown:
letter, and mailing directly to Commanding
(1) First. Using the table of contents
General, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
determine the assembly group within which
Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP, 4300
the repair part belongs. This is necessary
Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.
since illustrations are prepared for assem-
bly groups, and listings are divided into
63120. A reply will be furnished directly
the same groups.
to you.

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