![]() TM 5-4310-340-24
1-2. Forms and Records
1-1. Scope
a. This manual is prepared for the information and
Maintenance forms, records. and reports which are to be
guidance of organizational, direct support, and general
used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels are
support personnel responsible for maintenance and repair of
listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
the 3,000 psi 6 cfm Compressor Assembly, Part Number
894780. It is complementary to TM 9-2350-232-20 and TM
1-3. Reporting of Errors
Report of errors.
omissions, and recommendations for
improving this publication by the individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
2028, Recommended
Changes to Publications. and
c. Appendix B
contains the maintenance allocation
forwarded direct to: Commanding Officer, U. S. Army
Mobility Equipment Command. ATTN: AMSME-MPP. 4300
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 631(66.
through depot maintenance level.
negative (evacuated) dependent upon whether the pneumatic
1-4. Description
system is located upstream or downstream of the
compressor. The compressor in this manual is used to
a. General. The compressor assembly (fig C-l I is a
pressurize the pneumatic system.
component of the closed breech scavenge system used on the
M60A2 tank. The system provides compressed air for
c. Operation. The compressor compresses ambient
cleaning the gun / launcher of any ignited powder or powder
air to the operating pressure of 3,000 psi with a flow rate of
bag particles prior to opening the breech.
6.0 scfm. In order to supply this compressed air. the
compressor drive rotates the compressor in a clockwise
direction (facing fan at a rated speed of 4,250 to 4,450 rpm.
For purposes of orientation. the compressor
The compressed air flow from one compression stage to the
mounting adapter end %will be called the rear
next passes through relief valves and intercoolers up to the
and the fan end will be called the front The term
fourth compressor stage. From the fourth stage. the
left or right as used will be referenced to the
compressed air flow (fig 1-1 I is directed through an air flow
compressor as viewed front the front looking to
restrictor fitting to a high pressure relief valve and to the
the rear.
aftercooler and compressor outlet (discharge) fitting. From
the compressor outlet (discharge) fitting, the compressed air
b. Theory of Operation. In a pneumatic system.
flow is directed to the air processing assemblies in the
changing the value of a given quantity of air (under ambient
pneumatic system, then to the using equipment. The hot,
conditions) results in a change in pressure. temperature. and
high pressure compressed air. when passing through the
vapor content characteristics. The change in pressure is
finned intercoolers and aftercoolers, loses the heat of
directly proportional to the change in volume. The change in
compression to the ambient air. To increase the heat transfer
temperature is directly related to the change in pressure. The
rate. the compressor fan forces the ambient air past the
vapor content of a given volume of air is directly dependent on
finned cooler surfaces. Excessive interstage or pneumatic
the temperature and inversely dependent on the pressure.
system pressure is
The compressor assembly is part of a pneumatic system.
The function of the compressor in the pneumatic system is to
change the air volume. Air volume change in a pneumatic
system can be positive (pressurized) or
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