12. Slide the gear housing over the gears and tap It
with a soft hammer until It rests tightly against the shaft
end cover. Be careful not to pinch the gasket seal. Squirt
oil over the gears.
13. Place the port end cover (Item 1) over the gear
Journals and tap lightly against the gear housing. Be
careful not to pinch the gasket seal.
Drive Shaft Installation
10. Lightly grease the drive shaft (Item 12). Insert the
Integral gear and drive shaft with a twisting motion. Be
careful not to damage the shaft lip seal (item 10). Push
down carefully until gear rests against thrust plate. Insert
the driven gear (item 11).
11. Grease the new gasket seals (item 6) and Insert
14. Thread the tour fasteners Into the shaft end cover
them Into the grooves In both sides of gear housing (Item
and snug up. Rotate the drive shaft with a" (15,3 cm)
wrench to make sure there Is no binding In the pump.
15. After the fasteners are tight and you are sure there
Is no Internal binding, torque the diagonally opposite
fasteners to 200 ft-lbs (27,7 m-kg).
Seal Replacement
Rev. 760501
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