Trimming Pocket Seals
Pocket Seal Installation
8. Cut four pocket seals approximately inch (6,35
6. Pocket seals (item 4) are replaced from a pocket
mm) long from the pocket seal strip. Insert one pocket seal
seal strip. Cut two pocket seals 7/32 inch (5,5 mm) long
into each of the slots in the thrust plate. Push each pocket
from the pocket seal strip. Grease and insert into the
seal all the way in so that they touch the roller bearings.
middle slots in the thrust plate.
Tap the thrust plate down firmly against the machine
7. With the pocket seals down, place the thrust plate
surface with a soft hammer. Use a sharp razor blade to
(item 5) over the bearings in the shaft end cover. Tap
trim exposed end of the pocket seal square and flush with
thrust plate with a soft hammer to about 1/32 inch (0,8 mm)
the thrust plate.
from the machined surface.
9. Grip the shaft end cover (item 9) in the vise with
the mounting face down. Do not grip on or near any
machined surfaces.
Rev. 760501
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