10. Remove cylinder port relief body (item 33)
Check Plug Removal
from float section housing (item 51).
12. Disassemble other cylinder port relief in
similar manner. There is no need to disassemble shim
assembly (items 35 to 37) unless the cylinder port relief
is cracking at 'incorrect pressure.
13. Remove seals (item 37 and 43) from port
relief body and from float section housing.
14. Remove check plug (item 50), poppet spring (item
48) and poppet (item 47). Inspect for wear or damage.
11. Remove ball follower (item 40), ball (item
41) and port relief seat (item 42).
This section is an end block only to retain other valve
section. The only removable part is the end cover plug
(item 55).
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