![]() 11. Support weight of hub and drum assembly with
14. Pull straight out on brake drum and hub assembly
hoist. Wrap several turns of .010" to .020" shim
to remove it from axle (Fig. 14). Be sure brake
stock around end of axle shaft to protect shaft
shoes are in fully released position.
splines (Fig. 11). Install special wrench (Clark No.
945940) on outside spindle nut. Tighten guide
screws lightly against shim stock.
12. Remove outside spindle nut, nut lock, and inside
15. Remove cotter pin and spring anchor pin washer.
spindle nut (Fig. 121.
Disengage and remove brake shoe return spring
from anchor pin (Fig. 15). Discard old return
spring. CAUTION: Use care when removing return
spring so as not to cause injury. Spring is under
tension and can be projected some distance when
released from anchor pin. Support lower brake
shoe or it will pivot around anchor pin when spring
is released.
13. Support weight of brake drum and hub assembly
with hoist. Remove internal gear and hub from
spindle assembly (Fig. 13). In some cases it will be
necessary to use pry bars as shown.
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