h. Remove bolt (3) from the timing gear and install in
5. Put 8S2298 Adapter Group (4) and 9M9268 Dial
hole (5). Install the plug in timing hole (4).
Indicator (3) in the No.1 cylinder. Adjust dial indicator
Remove timing pin (2) and install bolt (1). Install
(3) so both pointers are on "0" (zero).
cover for the tachometer drive assembly (6).
6. Turn the crankshaft COUNTERCLOCKWISE (as seen
from front of engine) a minimum of 45 decrees.
Checking Timing By Fuel Flow Method
Tools Needed: 3P1544 Timing Pin.
1P540 Flow Checking Tool Group.
9M9268 Dial Indicator.
Pan for holding the fuel.
5P2371 Puller.
8S2298 Adapter Group.
See Special Instruction (FM035709) for complete
instructions for the fuel flow method of engine timing
(injection sequence).
1. Remove bolt (1) from the timing pin hole.
3. 9M9268 Dial Indicator. 4. 8S2298 Adapter
7. Turn the crankshaft CLOCKWISE (as seen from front
of engine) until dial indicator (3) gives an indication of
maximum travel of the piston. Make an adjustment to
1. Bolt.
dial indicator (3), if necessary, to put both pointers of
the dial indicator on "0" (zero).
2. Turn the crankshaft CLOCKWISE (as seen from front of
engine) until timing pin (2) goes into the notch in the
8. Disconnect the fuel line for No.1 fuel injection pump at
camshaft for the fuel injection pumps.
the housing for the fuel injection pumps. Put 7M1999
Tube Assembly (8) on No.1 fuel injection pump and
tighten the nut. The position of the end of tube
assembly (8) must be a little above horizontal as
9. Disconnect the line for the supply of fuel at the fuel
Use an adapter to connect 5J4634 Hose
Assembly (9) to the fuel filter.
10. Disconnect the fuel return line from constant bleed
valve (5). Put cap (6) on the constant bleed valve.
2. 3P1544 Timing Pin.
11. Turn the crankshaft COUNTERCLOCKWISE (as seen
from front of engine) approximately 45 degrees.
3. Remove timing pin (2).
12. With 1 gal. (3.8 lit) of clean fuel in 1P539 Pressure
4. Remove the valve cover from the right side of the
tank (10), move the governor lever to full FUEL-ON
engine. Remove the fuel return line, rocker arm
position. Put 15 psi (1.1 kg/cm2) of air pressure in the
assembly, and the fuel injection nozzle for No.1
tank by using the hand pump or shop air.
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