WARNING: When testing a fuel injection nozzle,
keep the tip of the nozzle pointed away from the
operator and into the 8S2270 Fuel Collector.
Tools Needed:
8S2242 Nozzle Testing Group.
Fuel from the orifices in the tip of the nozzle is under high
8S2245 Injector Cleaning Tool Group.
pressure and can cause injury to the operator.
9S7354 Torque Wrench.
9S3093 Adapter.
8H8505 Combination Wrench.
Put the fuel injection nozzle (4) to the 8S2267 Nozzle
8H8502 Combination Wrench.
Tester (1) using the 8S2268 Tube Assembly (2) and the
8S2274 Socket.
9S3093 Adapter (3). The nut on the fuel injection nozzle
8S1589 Socket.
can be tightened by hand if the 1H1023 Seal does not have
An easy check can be made to find the cylinder that is
CAUTION: Be sure to use clean Kent-Moore J23300-585 or
misfiring, or running rough, and causing black smoke to
Shell 66631 calibration oil or equivalent when testing. Dirty
come out of the exhaust pipe.
test oil will damage components of the fuel injection
Run the engine at the speed that gives misfiring.
Loosen the fuel line nut at a fuel injection pump. This will
stop the flow of fuel to that cylinder. Do this for each
NOTE: Kent-Moore J23300-585 calibration oil can be
cylinder until a loosened fuel line is found that makes no
purchased from Kent-Moore Corporation 1501 South
difference in engine running. Be sure to tighten each fuel
Jackson Street, Jackson, Michigan 49203. Shell 66631
line nut after the test before the next fuel line nut is
calibration oil can be purchased from Shell Oil Company.
loosened. Check each cylinder by this method. When a
cylinder is found where the loosened fuel line nut does not
make a difference in engine running, test the injection
pump and injection nozzle for that cylinder.
Temperature of an exhaust manifold port, when the
engine is running at low idle speed, can be an indication of
the condition of a fuel injection nozzle. Low temperature at
an exhaust manifold port, is an indication of no fuel to the
cylinder. This can possibly be an indication of a nozzle
with a defect. Extra high temperature at an exhaust
manifold port, can be an indication of too much fuel to the
cylinder, caused by a nozzle with a defect.
CAUTION: Do not test or disassemble nozzles unless you
1. 8S2267 Nozzle Tester. 2. 8S2268 Tube
have the correct service tools.
Assembly. 3. 9S3093 Adapter. 4. Fuel injection
Before testing a fuel injection nozzle, remove any loose
carbon from the tip of the nozzle with the 8S2258 Brass
Wire Brush. Remove the carbon seal dam. Clean the
Opening Pressure Test
groove for the carbon seal dam and the body of the nozzle
below the groove with the 8S2258 Brass Wire Brush. A
1. Close the gauge protector valve. Close the on-off
change in color in the area below the groove is normal and
valve. Open the pump isolator valve. Flush the fuel
does not effect the body of the nozzle. Remove the
injection nozzle by operating the nozzle tester for 10 to
carbon, but do not use the 8S2258 Brass Wire Brush to
15 strokes at a rate of 60 strokes per minute.
cause damage to the body of the nozzle. Do all tests
before cleaning or making any adjustments to a nozzle. A
2. Open the gauge protector valve. Make a slow increase
test can show that the nozzle must not be used again.
to the pressure until the valve in the
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