TM 5-3835-222-BD
a. Gain access to leaking hose.
b. Clean dirt and oil from damaged area.
c. Coat the damaged area with gasket sealer.
d. Cut a metal patch from a tin can or other thin metal.
e. Bend the metal into a cylindrical shape the size of the damaged hose and coat the inside with sealer.
f. Wrap the metal patch over the damaged hose.
g. Secure the patch with adjustable clamps or tape.
h. Check for leaks.
Other Options:
Use a Tire Patch Repair Kit.
Record the BDAR action taken. When the mission is completed, as soon as practicable, repair the
equipment using standard maintenance procedures.
6-12. Hose Collapse. When the rubber in the coolant hoses starts to deteriorate It becomes soft
and has a spongy feeling. Overheating problems that occur only at high engine speeds are normally
from a deteriorated hose on the suction side of the water pump collapsing. The hose can be reinforced
by inserting a rigid hollow object, like a can or wire coiled, to prevent the hose from collapsing.
The inserted item will help the hose remain open even though the suction is trying to close it.
Personnel/Time Required:
- 15 minutes - 1 hr.
1 soldier
Tin Can
Wire, Stiff (coat hanger or welding rod)
Other Options:
Operate at reduced engine speed.
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