TM 5-3835-222-BD
f. Secure with hose clamps or tightly twisted wire.
g. If the hose is too large, the tubing can be flared or sleeved to fit.
Option 4: Patching large metal lines:
b. Clean dirt and oil from damaged area.
c. Cut a metal patch from sheet metal.
d. Coat the metal patch and tubing with sealant and place over damaged area.
e. Cut a patch from rubber or other fuel resistant material and wrap over metal patch.
f. Wrap rubber patch with wire to equalize the pressure over the repair.
Option 5. Repairing damaged bends:
a. Cut a bend from an old hydraulic line, mirror arm or similar material.
b. Remove the damaged bend from the line.
c. Clean the cut tubing ends.
d. Apply sealant to tubing ends.
e. Using two, 2-inch sections of rubber hose, install the replacement bend.
f. Clamp with hose clamps or tightly twisted wire.
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