TM 32-5865-069-24&P
front panel for monitoring.
Signals routed to the RSPU are interfaced to the system
3-2.2 Signal Interface.
as follows:
NBIF signals from each of the four receivers are fed to a dedicated CPD,
(NBIF IN-RCVR 1 to CPD Al, etc.). The NBIF input is amplified, buffered and pro-
vided as two independent outputs. NBIF OUT signals are fed to the Exciters, AUX
NBIF OUT to the Control, Signal Interface (SICU).
Receiver Set audio and AGC signals from each receiver are routed out to the
SICU. These signals are STD AUDIO (standard), AUX AUDIO (auxiliary), ISB AUDIO
( independent sideband) and receiver AGC. AUX AUDIO RCVR 1-4 are buffered by tone
detector A5.
RCVR BLANKING is fed to the 1/0 Register A12 and output as four EXT
BLAkING signals, one for each receiver.
RC Bus A and RC Bus B are routed to the front panel for monitoring.
Control, Display Receiver (RCDU). The bus is used to transmit display data to the
PAN display section of the RCDU and to transfer control information to the PAN
display data processor. PAN display data is a group of 128 cells. The cells are
transmitted six per data word, each word identified with a first cell address to
indicate the position of the data within the display. Twenty-two (22) RC BUS B
data words are required for a complete PAN display. PAN processor control data is
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