TM 3-1040-279-12&P
e. Fog Oil Pump Assembly.
1. Disconnect fog oil hoses (1) and cable assembly (2) from fog oil pump assembly (3).
2. Tag and disconnect cable assembly (4) from fog oil pumps (5).
3. Remove 12 screws (6) and washers (7).
4. Disconnect two hose assemblies (8) from two strainer assemblies (9).
5. Remove two strainer assemblies (9) from nipples (10) from fog oil tank (11).
6. Remove two flare nuts (12) from two pressure relief valves (13).
7. Remove fog oil pump assembly (3) from fog oil tank (11).
1. Position fog oil pump assembly (3) on top of fog oil tank (11).
2. Install two flare nuts (12) on relief pressure valve (13).
3. Install two strainer assemblies (9) with nipples (10) in fog oil tank (11).
4. Install two hose assemblies (8) on two strainer assemblies (9).
5. Install 12 screws (6) with washers (7) and secure fog oil pump assembly (3).
6. Connect cable assembly (4) to fog oil pumps (5) as tagged.
7. Connect fog oil hoses (1) and cable assembly (2) to fog oil pump assembly (3).
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