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TM 11-6665-245-34
(1) Remove cap ring assembly from probe
b. Emitter Follower and PM Tube Replace-
housing and then remove jamb ring and scintilla-
ment. Replacement of the emitter follower is ac-
tion crystal assembly.
complished as follows:
(1) Disconnect the coil cord from the
emitter follower.
When replacing scintillation crystal
(2) Remove the emitter follower handle by
assembly, you must reseal it to end of
turning the handle until the slot is free from the
PM tube with optical grease to allow
emitter follower pin. Lift the handle off the emitter
proper optical coupling.
(3) Remove the two screws that connect
(2) Unscrew the end cap (near the handle)
the emitter follower to the light pipe and screen
from the probe.
(3) Remove the connector nut from the
(4) Firmly grip the emitter follower in one
connector and depress the connector into the pro-
hand and with the other hand, pull the main probe
be housing.
assembly away.
(4) Remove retaining ring from probe with
( 5 ) Remove the photomultiplier tube
a retaining ring extractor.
slowly and carefully from its socket. Caution must
be taken when handling this tube to prevent the
bending or breaking of the tube pins or keyway.
Handle PM tube gently when removing
to prevent damage. Do not touch the
When handling the photomultiplier
sides of the PM tube. Touching the
tube, do not touch the tube envelope.
sides can create unstable readings
Handling will create unstable reading
when the tube is remounted for use.
when the tube is remounted "for use. To
correctly handle this tube, grasp it only
(5) Slide assemblies out of the housing
by  its  phenolic  base.  .
by pushing gently on the PM tube from the cap
ring end of the housing.
(6) Discard the old emitter follower since
it is unrepairable.
b. Removal and Replacement of PM Tube
(7) With a new emitter follower, replace
the photomultiplier tube, making certain that the
keyway of the tube socket is properly aligned.
Handle PM tube gently when removing
(8) Remount the emitter follower by using
to prevent damage. Do not touch the
the reverse procedure.
sides of the PM tube. Touching the
sides can create unstable readings
3-11. Repair of the Aux Probe
when the tube is remounted for use. Do
not twist PM tube when removing from
socket to prevent damage to pins, key
The aux probe is repaired by replacing a defective
or keyway.
cover assembly. The cover assentbly is held onto
the probe with four screws (Figure 3-6). There are
(1) Pull the PM tube straight out of its
no other repairs. If the aux probe cannot be
socket, slowly and carefully.
repaired with the cover assembly replacement,
(2) Replace the PM tube, making certain
the complete aux probe will have to be replaced.
the keyway of the tube socket is aligned with the
key of the tube.
3-12. Repair of X-Ray Probe
c. Removal and Replacement of the Printed
Circuit Board (Figure 3-7).
a. To perform maintenance or repair of the
(1) Remove PM tube (para. 3-12. b).
x-ray probe, proceed as follows initially:
(2) Remove set screws from tube socket
(3) Using a heat sink, unsolder leads from
Handle scintillation crystal assembly
PCB to tube socket and to connector, marking the
carefully so as to prevent damage to
location of each lead.
mylar window.
(4) Slide PCB out of the tube socket
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