![]() TM 11-6665-245-12
areas. The x-ray probe contains a wire screen to
a. Radiacmeter lM-160F/PDR-56 is composed
protect the scintillation crystal assembly from
of a two piece, cast metal box which has a carry-
sharp objects.
ing handle attached to the panel which forms the
top of the box. The panel is used to mount all the
e. C a s e , R a d i a c S e t C Y - 7 3 7 5 / P D R - 5 6 F
operating controls, the instrument meter, cable
(storage case) is made of sheet steel, has a
connectors, and a plate used to hold in two bat-
hinged cover, a carrying handle, and two cover lat-
teries. The rest of the box forms a cover for the in-
ches. The inside of the storage case (Figure 1-3) is
ternal components which are attached to the in-
separated into compartments for storage of the
side of the top panel. The bottom of the box
components of the Radiac Set AN/PDR-56F. Rub-
ber cushioning pads and a gasket (to make the
T h e plastic sheet contains a small piece of
storage case watertight) are cemented to the in-
thorium in its center. The thorium is used as
side of the storage case.
check source for the radiacmeter.
b. Probe, Radiac DT-224B/PDR-56 (main pro-
f. Miscellaneous components such as the
be) is a metal box with a handle extended above it
Headset, Electrical H-43B/U (headset), Harness
s o that it can be fitted together with the
ST-123/PDR-18A (carrying strap), and the exten-
radiacmeter (Figure 1-1). The handle of the main
sion handle are also provided. The extension han-
probe fits inside the handle of the radiacmeter
dle is an assembly of two telescoping aluminum
and they are fastened together with a captive
tubes. The length of the extension handle is ad-
screw in the radiacmeter handle. The bottom
justed by loosening a clamping nut and sliding
plate of the main probe (Figure 1-2) has six slots
the two tubes to the length desired and then
cut into it to form a window area. The window area
retightening the clamp nut.
is covered on the inside with a very thin plastic
and foil sheet (light barrier) which makes the main
Tabulated Data
probe light tight but allows for the entry of alpha
radiation. When the main probe is not in use, a
The physical, functional, and performance data is
plastic window cover must be placed over the win-
listed in Table 1-1.
dow area to protect the light barrier. The main
probe and the radiacmeter are connected elec-
Table 1-1. Tabulated Data
trically by a short coiled cable.
25.75 pounds (11.68 kg)
c. Probe, Radiac DT-228A/PDR-56 (aux probe)
is a metal housing which is designed to fit onto
5 in. x 15 in. x 11.375 in.
the main probe for use in detecting alpha con-
12.7 cm x 38.1 cm x 28.89 cm
tamination when the main probe would be too
bulky. In this case, the main probe is reassembled
-20 degrees C to + 50 degrees C
Temperature Limits:
on it. The aux probe also contains a window area
3.0 vdc (two type BA "D" cells)
Input Power Requirement:
and a light barrier. The light barrier of the aux
probe contains a wire screen to protect it from
(Alpha) 3 MeV (and above, up to
Radiation Measured:
sharp objects. It must also be protected by the
106 counts) (Gamma) 10 keV to
plastic aux probe cover when not in use. The
60 keV - adjustable
plastic cap in the end of the aux probe is a dust
Greater than 11%
Detection Efficiency:
and dirt cover.
d. P r o b e , Radiac DT-590A/PDR-56F (x-ray
20% over upper 80% of 103
probe) is a metal cylindrical housing which is de-
counts per minute (cpm) range
signed to be attached to the coil cord cable in
1 03, 104, 105, 106 c p m
Variable Meter Ranges:
place of the main probe for use in detecting low
energy gamma radiation (areas contaminated by
Meter and Headphone
Plutonium-239 material), In this case, the main
probe is disconnected and removed from the
Main Probe - 17 cm2, Auxiliary
Detection Area:
Pro2be - 11 cm2: X-Ray Probe - 10
radiacmeter and the probe handle is connected to
the x-ray probe. The retractile cable is then con-
nected to the x-ray probe. The extension handle
50 hours with continuous use
Battery Life Expectancy:
may be connected to permit use of the probe in
the standing position or to monitor overhead
Change 2
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