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1. Scope
This publication provides an overprinted DA Form 2062 (Hand Receipt) which lists the contents of Components of
End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII), and Additional Authorization List (AAL) items related to Radiac Set
2. G e n e r a l
Section II is the overprinted DA Form 2062 which lists the content of COEI, BII, and AAL extracted from
TM 11-6665-230-12.
b. The overprinted DA Form 2062 will eliminate manual preparation of the form and will assist organizations in
inventorying and accounting for property as required by AR 710-2.
c. Local reproduction of the overprinted DA Form 2062 is authorized. However, organizations shall comply
with local policies in the reproduction of DA Form 2062 by office copying equipment, field printing plant, or
duplicating plant facilities.
d. Additional copies of this publication may be requisitioned from: The US Army Adjutant General Publica-
tions Center, Baltimore, MD, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 3, AR 310-2, and DA Pam 310-10-2.
3. Explanation of Blocks and Columns (DA Form 2062)
Refer to DA Pam 710-2-1, Chapter 6. Additional information required to complete DA Form 2062 is:
a.  From. Enter the organization for which the property book is maintained.
b. To. Enter the UIC and the hand receipt file number of the unit/personnel receiving the property.
c. Hand Receipt Number. Enter a locally designated number. Use it to post the location of property in the pro-
perty book.
d. End Item Stock Number. Contains the National Stock Number (NSN) to the end item covered by the hand
e. End Item Description. Contains the end item short title.
f. Publication Number. Contains the TM number of the technical manual containing the Operator/Crew in
structions for the equipment.
g. Publication Date. Date of the Operator/Crew TM.
h. Quantity. Quantity of the end item covered by this hand receipt.
i. Stock Number (Column a). National stock number of the item described. Items without stock number:
should be requisitioned by Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers (FSCM) and part number direct from: US Army
Communications-Electronics command, ATTN: DRSEL-MM, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
j.  Item Description (Column b). Identifies the item contained in the COEI, BII, and the AAL. It will also con-
tain nomenclature, serial/USA number (if applicable) that will be useful in identifying and controlling the item. Serial
number is to be inserted and initialed on all copies by hand receipt holder.
k. (Column c). The Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) is entered here.
The accounting Requirements Code (ARC) refers to property accountability, not to
disposal authority. Disposition action and authority for an unserviceable item is governed
by the recoverability code (5th position of the SMR code) assigned to the item in the
(1) Refer to DA Pam 710-2-1, Chapter 6. Additional information required to complete DA Form 2062 is
listed below.
(2) Hand receipts shall identify the accounting requirements status of all line item entries via column c. One
of the following Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) will apply.
(N) for Nonexpendable:
Items not consumed in use, retaining their identity during use, and requiring
that accountability be maintained throughout the life of the item..

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