![]() TM 11-6665-224-20P
1. Scope
coded above except those coded XA and
This manual lists spares and repair parts; special
a i r c r a f t support items as restricted by AR
tools; special test, measurement, and diagnostic
(2) M a i n t e n a n c e c o d e . M a i n t e n a n c e
equipment required for performance of organiza-
a s s i g n e d to indicate the levels of maintenance au-
tional maintenance of the AN/PDR-27P. It au-
thorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The
t h o r i z e s the requisitioning and issue of spares and
maintenance codes are entered in the third and
r e p a i r parts as indicated by the source and main-
f o u r t h positions of the Uniform SMR Code format
as follows:
2. General
(a) The maintenance code entered in the
t h i r d position will indicate the lowest maintenance
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided
level authorized to remove, replace, and use the
i n t o the following sections:
s u p p o r t item. The maintenance code entered in the
a. Section II. Repair Parts List. A list of spares
third position will indicate one of the following
a n d repair parts authorized for use in the perfor-
levels of maintenance:
m a n c e of maintenance. The list also includes parts
which must be removed for replacement of the
a u t h o r i z e d parts. Parts lists are composed of func-
O - Support item is removed, replaced, used at
t i o n a l groups in numeric sequence, with the parts
the organizational level.
in each group listed in figure and item number
(b) T h e m a i n t e n a n c e c o d e e n t e r e d i n t h e
f o u r t h position indicates whether the item is to be
b. Section III. Special Tools List. N o t a p p l i c a b l e .
repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance
c . Section IV. National Stock Number and Part
level with the capability to perform complete re-
N u m b e r I n d e x . A list, in National item identifica-
pair (i.e., all authorized maintenance functions).
t i o n number (NIIN) sequence, of all National stock
This position will contain one of the following
n u m b e r s (NSN) appearing in the listings, followed
maintenance codes:
b y a list, in alphameric sequence, of all part num-
bers appearing in the listings. National stock
n u m b e r s and part numbers are cross-referenced to
The lowest maintenance level capable of
each illustration figure and item number appear-
complete repair of the support item is the
general support level.
3. Explanation of Columns
Nonreparable. No repair is authorized.
(3) R e c o v e r a b i l i t y c o d e . R e c o v e r a b i l i t y c o d e s
a. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
are assigned to support items to indicate the dispo-
(1) F i g u r e n u m b e r . I n d i c a t e s t h e f i g u r e
sition action on unserviceable items. The recov-
number of the illustration on which the item is
erability code is entered in the fifth position of the
Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
(2) I t e m n u m b e r . The number used to identify
i t e m called out in the illustration.
b. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
(SMR) Codes.
(1) S o u r c e c o d e . S o u r c e c o d e s i n d i c a t e t h e
Nonreparable item. When unserviceable,
manner of acquiring support items for mainte-
condemn and dispose at the level indi-
nance, repair, or overhaul of end items. Source
c a t e d in position 3.
c o d e s are entered in the first and second positions
Reparable item. When beyond lower level
o f the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
repair capability, return to depot. Con-
demnation and disposal not authorized
b e l o w depot level.
Item procured and stocked for anticipated
c. National Stock Number. Indicates
or known usage.
t i o n a l stock number assigned to the item and will
be used for requisitioning purposes,
Cannibalization or salvage may be used
d . Part Number. I n d i c a t e s t h e p r i m a r y n u m b e r
as a source of supply for any items source
used by the manufacturer (individual, company,
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