![]() TM 11-6665-209-40
HIGH VOLTAGE (900 VOLTS) is present in this equipment.
3. No or low readings on meter when test sample is used.
Step 1. Defective tube V202 in probe.
Remove case to reach TB101. Check for voltage at pins 5 and 6
when range switch is in 5.0 or 0.5 position. If voltage is available
at test points, check tubes V201 and V202. If voltage is not
available, high voltage power supply is defective.
Step 2. Defective high voltage power supply.
Remove case to reach TP6. Check for voltage at TP6 when range
switch is in any on position. If voltage is not available, high
voltage power supply is defective.
4. No readings on meter or audio heard in headset when test sample is used to check all
Defective pulse shaper circuit (V103, V104, or Q105).
Remove case to reach PCB. Check for proper waveform at TP11. If
proper waveform exists change Q105. If proper waveform does not
exist change V103.
5. No audio heard in headset but meter indicates normal.
Step 1. Defective headset.
Check headset leads with an ohmmeter while listening in phases.
If no continuity is measured and no battery click is heard, headset
is defective.
Step 2. Audio circuit in radiacmeter defective.
Check wiring and components C111, R122, C109, and J101.
Step 3. Voltage and resistance measurements.
This equipment is transistorized. Observe all cautions given to
prevent transistor damage, Make voltage and resistance
measurements in this equipment only as specified in figure 2-1.
Use resistor and capacitor color codes (Fig. FO-1) to find the value
o f components.
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