![]() TM 11-6665-209-20
The energy (of any radiation) incident upon (or flowing
Intensity -
through) unit area, perpendicular to the radiation beam,
in unit time. As applied to nuclear radiation, the term in-
tensity is sometimes used to express the exposure dose
rate at a given location in roentgens or milliroentgens
per hour.
One-thousandth of a roentgen (abbreviation MR/hr).
Milliroentgens -
The spontaneous emission of radiation, generally alpha
or beta radiation, often accompanied by gamma radia-
tion from the nuclei of an unstable element.
The international unit of X-radiation or gamma radiation
Roentgen -
equal to the amount of radiation that produces in one
cubic centimeter of dry air at 0C and standard at-
mospheric pressure ionization of either sign equal to
one electrostatic unit of charge. (Also see milliroen-
Any material or obstruction which absorbs radiation and
Shielding -
thus tends to protect personnel (or materials) from the
effects of a nuclear (or atomic) explosion.
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