![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
2-3. Installation of Equipment
2-1. Unpacking
a. Remove the chassis assembly from the case.
The TS-2669/GCM is packed in a carton that is
approximately 24 by 22 inches and weighs 55 pounds
b. Remove the top cover by unscrewing the holding
a. Cut paper tape and top of box and open.
b. Open box and remove four Hardigg corner
proper primary power, either 115- or 230volt vac
cushions that support inner box.
c. Lift inner box from outer box.
d. Make sure that all printed circuit modules are
d. Cut tape on inner box cover and open.
seated firmly in their respective connectors, so that
e. Remove plywood brace by sliding it straight up.
correct electrical contact is made.
f. Lift TS-2669/GCM out of inner box.
e. Replace top cover, and secure with the screws
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
f. Operate front panel POWER switch to OFF.
g. Check to see that a fuse of the proper rating (1
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred
ampere) is installed in the fuseholder.
during shipment. If the equipment has been damaged,
report the damage on DD Form 6 (para 1-3b).
Warning: Make sure the power cord
is disconnected at the primary power
b. See that the equipment is complete as listed on
outlet, and that the POWER switch
the packing slip. If a packing slip is not available, check
on the TS-2669/GCM is in the OFF
the equipment against the basic issue items list (app B).
position before touching or changing
Note. Shortage of a minor assembly
or part that does not affect proper
functioning of the equipment should
Caution: The proper internal power
not prevent use of the equipment.
supply connection (fig. 2-2) must be
made, depending on the voltage of
c. If the equipment has been used or reconditioned,
the primary power.
see whether it has been changed by a modification work
order (MWO). If the equipment has been modified, the
h. Remove the bottom cover of the TS-2669/ GCM
MWO number will appear on the front panel near the
and check to see that the proper internal power supply
nomenclature plate. Check to see whether the MWO
connections are made for either 115- or 230-volt ac
number (if any) and appropriate notations concerning
the modification have been entered in the equipment
Note. A power cord is supplied at
the rear of the TS-2669/GCM.
Note. Current MWO's applicable to
the equipment are listed in DA Pam
i. If desired, install the TS-2669/GCM in a 19-inch
equipment rack; otherwise, replace the unit in its
carrying case.
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