![]() Contro1 settings
Test equipment
Equipment under test
Normal indication
Sweep Display Switch
vacant position, and 32
Until one complete group to
Sweep MODE Switch AUTO
challenge video pulses is observed.
Count number of pulses.
Delayed Trigger
d. Measure amplitude of first and last d. 10% maximum difference in
Source: EXT
amplitude between two
pulse and detamine percentage of
Main SLOPE -
Main Trigger Coupling: AC
e. Measure spacing between first and e. 2 0.07 sec
Display A
second pulse.
f. 0.5 0.1 sec.
f. Measure pulse width of first pulse.
a. Set transponder test set ISLS switch a. Fifth pulse position occupied.
to ON. Note whether a pulse,
having similar amplitude as others,
occupies fifth pulse position.
b. Measure pulse spacing with respect to b. 8 0.7 sec.
first pulse.
c. Measure ISLS pulse width.
c. 0.5 0.1 wed.
d. Transponder test set ILSL switch d. pulse amplitude decreases.
to OFF. Note whether amplitude of
fifth pulse decreases.
e. Disconnect c a b l e a t R F I N o f e . None.
AN/APM-270(V) and connect cable
to modulator RF OUT.
a. Adjust AN/APM-27(V) SPACING a. None.
PUSH TO TEST: Continually press and
PULSE 2 control towards -0.5 un-
release to observe specific conditions.
til transponder test set REJECT
indicator just glows.
b. Adjust AN/APM-27(V) SPACING b. 1.7 sec minimum, 1.9 sec
PULSE 2 control clockwise until a
just accept condition is obtained.
Note spacing between leading
edges of first and second reply
modulation pulses. Continue to
turn control clockwise until a
REJECT indication is observed.
and then clockwise until a just
accept condition is again obtained
Note spacing between first and
second pulses.
c. Reset AN/APM-207(V) SPACING 2 c. None.
control to 0.
d. Perform a and b above using SPAC- d. 3.5 sec minimum, 3.7 sec
ING PULSE 3 control and observe
spacing between first and last
pulses. Return control to 0.
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