![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
tial states and three outputs (one is common to the
other two) provide the necessary reset conditions
During system
When mode 1 identity tests are in progress, the
tests in all modes except mode C, line-drive enable
first F1 pulse count causes two of the outputs to
DFF1 is used to conclude the receiver gating
gate on one of the video enable reset gates. The
period in the following manner. Twenty-two
second F1 pulse count removes one output, and the
microseconds after the reply F1 pulse starts down
resulting negative-going voltage resets video en-
the delay line to form comparison pulses, it is
able DFF6. Thus, the receiver gate is disabled
coupled by the MODE switch and M1/M3 ampli-
after the F2 pulse of the second train. During
fier to set DFF1. In this state, DFF1 applies a
emergency tests, the third F1 pulse count causes
reset pulse to video enable DFF6 through the video
two of the outputs to gate on another video-enable
enable reset gating and switching circuits. This
reset gate. The fourth F1 pulse count meets DFF6,
action removes the enable voltage from the receiver
and disables the receiver gate after the F2 pulse
gating circuits. When mode C tests are in progress,
of the fourth train.
the 25-microsecond P3 encoder tap through the
M1/M3 amplifier is used to obtain the video reset
e. Error Blanking and Detection.
pulse. This delayed F1 reply pulse is coupled by
(1) Error blankinq. Refer to figures 2-3 to
the M1/M3 amplifier and video reset switching
2-6 for timing diagrams. The error blanking cir-
and gating circuits to reset DFF6; therefore in
cuit inhibits errors that normally would result
this case, the receiver is gated off 25 microseconds
from the first reply F1 pulse and comparison in-
after the F1 reply pulse.
formation pulses after the first train. As stated
(2) Indentity pulse train (except mode 1).
in c above, the first F1 pulse is not generated for
When the identity tests are in progress, line-drive
comparison at the error detector. This F1 pulse,
enable DFF1 and counter DFF3/DFF4 develop
however, will appear at the error detector from
the video reset pulse by a two-step operation. The
video shaper DSS1. Without an internal] y gen-
first operation is started as in (1) above, by the
erated pulse present, an error set output would nor-
22-microsecond delayed F1 pulse from the M1/M3
mally result. To prevent this condition, the error
amplifier. When the output of the M1/M3 ampli-
blanking circuit is initially set by read delay
fier sets DFF1, it also triggers DFF3/DFF4. An
DSS5, which was triggered by video enable delay
output "from each of these circuits gates on a video
DSS4 (b above). The leading edge of the DSS5
reset gate in the video reset switching and gating
150-microsecond negative pulse performs the set
circuit. The second step in the operation is started
operation 1.8 microsecond after the encoder P3
by the reply I/P pulse. Since DFF1 is set, this
pulse is generated. In a set state. the blanking cir-
pulse is gated by line-drive gates 1 and 2. It is
cuit provides an error inhibit voltage to the error
then coupled by emitter follower A10Q7 (EF) to
detector; therefore, the first reply F1 pulse that
reset DFF1. The trailing edge of the pulse causes
arrives at the error detector does not cause an
this reset. Upon being reset, DFF1 removes its
error set output. After the F1 pulse arrives at the
gating voltage from the video reset gate. This ac-
input of delay line A6DLI to start comparison
tion causes a negative-going signal, which resets
pulse train generation, it is also directed as a
video enable DFF6. Thus, the receiver gate is dis-
trigger to the error blanking circuit. The trigger
abled after the I/P pulse.
resets the blanking circuit, thereby removing the
(3) Mode 1 identity and emergency pulse
error inhibit from the error detector. This blank-
trains. Counter DFF3/DFF4 develops the video
ing operation only applies to the first F1 pulse of
reset for these replies. The counter effectively
any reply signal. When emergency tests are in
counts F1 reply pulses flowing through the delay
progress, three sets of framing pulses follow the
line. These are the trigger pulses coupled by the
first train. In this case. three additional opera-
M1/M3 amplifier from the 22-microsecond delay
tions are used for setting and resetting the blank-
line tap during these operations. With each trig-
ing circuit. When another F1 pulse appears after
ger pulse, the counter changes state. Four sequen-
the first one at the input of delay line A6DLl, it
Change 3
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