![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
output of this modulator driver is a positive pulse,
mon to the decoder section. Six delay line taps are
and is applied to the transmitter low P2 pulse
used for encoding. Five taps are used for the select-
modulator (para 2-3). In this case, the P2 pulse ap-
able P1 pulse, and a common tap is used for the P3
pears in the rf output at a minimum level of 10 deci-
pulse. The P3 pulse tap is the last tap and is located
bels (dB) below the P1-P3 rf level. When switch
25 microseconds down the delay line.. The pulse-pair
A15S7 is at the ON position, it is routed the same
spacing is determined between the leading edges of
way as the P1-P3 pulses to the main modulator in
P3 pulse and P1 pulse. The P1 pulse taps are located
the transmitter. In this case, the P2 pulse amplitude
3, 5, 6.5, 8, and 21 microseconds before the P3 tap.
at the rf output is the same as the other pulses. This
As the line-drive pulse flows down from the delay
line, it first appears at each of the P1 taps. The P1
pulse provides a transponder suppression circuit
test. In each case, the P2 pulse is spaced 2 microsec-
pulse are coupled by five respective emitter follow-
onds from the P1 pulse.
ers (EF) to P1-P3 pulse switching and gating cir-
d. Encoder Disabling- and Decodcr Enabling
cuits. The P1 delay line output, dependent on the
Pulse. The P3 pulse from the delay line is used to re-
mode, is selected at the delay line for the applicable
set encode enable IFF1 (b above), and as a decode
test. The selected P1 pulse is gated and triggers
enable (DE) pulse. After the P3 pulse is gated from
P1-P3 shaper ISS4. The pulse output of ISS4 has a
the delay line, it is inverted and amplified by the DE
0.8-microsecond duration and is negative. Then 3,
amplifier. The trailing edge of the resultant positive
5, 6.5, 8, or 21 microseconds later, the P3 pulse is
pulse resets IFF1. Thus, enabling voltage is re-
gated and also triggers ISS4. These delays represent
modes 1, 2, TEST, 3/A, and C, respectively, The re-
moved from the P1 and P3 gating circuits, The DE
sulting negative pulse-pair is inverted and gated by
pulse is also routed to the decoder section to preset
its various circuits for the transponder reply.
the main modulator driver. The main modulator
driver output is a positive pulse-pair applied to the
2-3. Transmitter Modulator and RF Cir-
transmitter main modulator circuit (para 2-3).
c. Interrogation Sidelobe-Suppression Pulse Gen-
eration. The ISLS pulse (P2) generation is initiated
by the P1 pulse. The leading edge of the gated nega-
The transmitter rf circuit is modulated by the en-
tive P1 pulse edge triggers delay generator ISS3. A
coder P1, P2, and P3 pulses and produces pulsed rf
2-microsecond positive pulse is produced, and its
signals at 1,030 megacycles (mc). The rf level can be
trailing edge triggers P2 pulse shaper ISS2. This
adjusted (internally) between 15 and + 4 dbm,
pulse shaper produces negative 0.8-microsecond
and normally is preadjusted to 9 dBm 1, as
measured at PROBE jack A15J24. The P2
pulses for all tests, except mode 4. During mode 4
tests, it is used to shape the external mode 4 interro-
pulse is transmitted at one of two levels. With
gation trigger input by generating a 0.5-microsec-
ISLS switch A15S7 at OFF, the rf level is at least 10
ond pulse for each trigger. Normally, the output of
dB below the preadjusted P1-P3 rf level. When this
ISS2 is applied through ISLS switch A15S7 (OFF
switch is on, its level is the same as the P1-P3
position) to the low P2 pulse modulator driver. The
Change 4
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