![]() TM 11-6625-537-14-1
applied to the base of Q2. A positive going signal
trolled by ON switch S1 and protected by a fuse.
on the base of Q2 will cause the internal resistance
A 1.5-ampere fuse is used for 115-volt operation,
of Q2 and Q3 to increase. When the output
and a 0.25-ampere fuse is used for 230-volt
voltage is higher than normal, Q1 will become
forward biased causing the voltage drop across
c. Positive 200- and 150-Volt Supply. Positive
Q3 to increase and restore the voltage to normal.
00 and 150 volts for the dc vtvm is obtained from
The regulated output voltage is between 5.6 and
a 190-volt secondary winding. The ac voltage is
6.1 volts and will vary no more than 0.020 volt for
half-wave rectified by CR201 and filtered by
an input voltage change of 102 to 128 volts.
R228, R229, C214A, and C214B, Positive 200
volts for V203B is obtained directly from the
e. Unregulated Filament Supply. There are
three unregulated filament supplies. A 6.3-volt
anode of CR201, Positive 150 volts for V202 and
secondary winding provides filament voltage to
V203A is obtained from the plate of regulator
V202, V203 and chopper CK1 in the dc vtvm. A 5-
v o l t secondary winding is used to light the
d . Reguluted Filament Supply. An 18-volt
d e c i m a l indicator lamp (PL1 through PL4)
c e n t e r tapped winding is used to provide a
selected by level A or RANGE switch S2. A
regulated 5.9-volt dc supply for the filaments of
second 6.3-volt winding (not shown in figure 5-6)
V501 and V502 in the ac-to-dc converter, and for
provides filament voltage for V101 and V105 in
V104 in the 500-volt dc reference supply. The ac
voltage is full-wave rectified by CR103 and CR104
the 500-volt dc reference supply. The filaments of
these tubes are operated at approximately 400
and filtered by C103. Transistor Q3 senses the
volts dc potential to prevent internal high-voltage
difference between the dc output voltage and a
reference voltage obtained from V102 in the 500.
volt dc reference supply, The output of Q1 is
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