![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
5-5. Ac-to-Dc Converter
terminals. The output of the converter at 400 Hz
is adjusted by 0.5 VAC GAIN ADJUST R536 at
the converter output. The converter output at 10
a. General. All ac voltages measured by the
kHz is adjusted by 0.5 VAC HF TRIM C519 in
electronic voltmeter are first converted to an
the feedback network.
equivalent dc voltage by the ac-to-dc converter.
d. Converter Operation, 5- Volt Ac Rang{
Levels I and K of AC-de polarity switch S 5
Levels G and H of RANGE switch S2 connect the
connect the converter between the input terminal
input voltage directly to the amplifier. Operation
and the null and range divider. The converter
of the amplifier is explained in b above. The
provides a dc output of 5 volts when full range
n e g a t i v e feedback network selected by S21
voltage is applied to the input terminals in each
consists of R541, R542, and C521. This feedback
range. The dc output voltage is proportional to
network is also used for the 50 and 500 positions
the average value of the applied ac voltage. The
of RANGE switch S2. The output of the con-
output is calibrated to indicate the rms value of a
verter at 400 Hz is adjusted by 5 VAC GAIN
pure sinewave (single frequency ac voltage). The
ADJ R541 in the feedback network, The con-
c o n v e r t e r consists
o f t h r e e resistance-
verter output at 10 kHz is adjusted by 5 VAC HF
capacitance-coupled amplifier stages with high
trim C504 in the grid circuit of V501. The output
negative feedback. Input attenuators and
of the converter is 5 volts dc when 5 volts ac is
predetermined amounts of negative feedback are
applied to the input terminals.
used to obtain a dc output of 5 volts when full
e. Converter Operation, 50- Volt Ac Range.
range voltage is applied to the input terminals in
Level G of RANGE switch S2 connects the input
each range.
terminal to 10:1 attenuator R501, R502, R503,
b. Amplifier Operation. Tubes V501, V502A,
C501, R544, and C502. The attenuator output is
and V502B form three resistance-capacitance-
applied to the amplifier by S2H. The attenuator
c o u p l e d amplifier stages with high negative
output at 400 Hz is adjusted by 50 VAC AT.
feedback. The input is applied to the grid of V501
T E N U A T O R R503. At 10 kHz the output is
by C503, C504, R504, and R505. Cathode bias for
adjusted by 50 VAC HF TRIM C501. The at-
V501 is developed by R513 and C522. The output
tenuator output will be 5 volts ac when 50 volts ac
of V501 is coupled to the grid of V502A by R514,
is applied to the input terminals. Operation of the
C508, R515, C509, R518, and R519. Cathode bias
amplifier is as explained in b and d above to
for V502A is developed by R522, C513, R523, and
obtain a 5 volt dc output from the converter.
C514. The output of V502A is coupled to the grid
f. Converter Operation, 500- Volt Ac Range.
of V502B by R524, C511, R525, C512, R526, and
Level G of RANGE switch S2 connects the input
R 5 2 7 . The grid of V502B is clamped to the
t e r m i n a l to 100:1 attenuator R543, R533, R535,
c o m m o n input terminal by CR503. Negative
R534, C523, C524, and C525. The attenuator
feedback from the plate of V502B is applied to the
output is applied to the amplifier by S2H. The
cathode of V502A by R532. The output of V502B
attenuator output at 400 Hz is adjusted by 500
is coupled through C516. Full-wave rectification
VAC ATTENUATOR R534. At 10 kHz the
is provided by CR501 and CR502 to develop a
output is adjusted by 500 VAC HF TRIM C523.
voltage across R539 which is applied a negative
The attenuator output is 5 volts ac when 100 volts
feedback to the grid of V501. The amount of
ac is applied to the input terminals, Operation of
feedback is selected by level I of RANGE switch
the amplifier is explained in b and d above to
S2. Half-wave rectification by CR501 develops an
obtain a 5-volt dc output from the converter.
output voltage across R536 through R539, C517,
and C518 which is proportional to the average
5-6. Low Voltage Supply
v a l u e of the input ac voltage. The amplifier
achieves a midband loop gain of approximately 70
a. General. The low voltage supply provides
d e c i b e l s dB with a virtually flat frequency
positive 200 and 150 volts dc to the dc vtvm, and
response from 20 Hz to 10 kHz.
filament voltage for all tubes and the decima,
C . Converter Operation, .5- Volt Ac Range.
point indicator lamps.
Levels G and H of RANGE switch S2 connect the
b. Input Power, T h e p o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r
input voltage directly to the amplifier. Operation
primary contains two windings. These windings
o f the amplifier is explained in b a b o v e . A
are parallel connected for 115-volt operation, and
negative feedback network, consisting of C519,
series connected for 230. volt operation. Terminals
R540, and C520, selected by S21 allows sufficient
on top of the transformer are used to connect the
overall gain so that a 5-volt dc output will be
primary windings. The primary circuit is con-
obtained when 0.5 volt ac is applied to the input
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