![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
5-2. Description of Operating Modes
switch S3 connect null and range divider R305
through R310 and the O- to 500-volt dc reference
to the input terminals. Levels D and C of AC-de
(1) Dc vtvm mode. The electronic voltmeter
polarity switch S5 control the polarity of the O- to
operates in the dc vtvm mode when the NULL
500-volt dc reference to be in opposition to the
switch is set to VTVM and the AC-de polarity
input volt age, The difference between the input
switch is set to + (positive) or -- (negative).
voltage and the O- to 500-volt dc reference is
Levels B and C of NULL switch S3 connect null
developed across the null and range divider.
and range divider R301 through R310 to the input
NULL switch S3A applies the output of the null
t e r m i n a l s . The output of the null and range
and range divider to the dc vtvm where the
divider is 0.010 volt when a voltage corresponding
difference between the unknown voltage and the
to the RANGE switch setting is applied to the
O- to 500-volt dc reference is displayed on the
input terminals. RANGE switch S2C applies the
VOLTS meter. Full scale deflection of the VOLTS
output of the null and range divider to the dc
meter corresponds to the setting of the NULL
vtvm where the value of the unknown voltage is
switch. Levels A and B of AC-de polarity switch
indicated directly on the VOLTS meter, Full scale
S5 control the polarity of the VOLTS meter, The
deflection of the VOLTS meter corresponds to the
meter needle will deflect to the right when the
setting of the RANGE switch. The VOLTS meter
input voltage is greater than the O- to 500-volt dc
will deflect to the right if the polarity of the
reference. The unknown voltage is measured by
voltage at the input terminals is as indicated by
adjusting the value of the O- to 500-volt dc
the AC-de polarity switch, VOLTS meter MI is a
reference until the VOLTS meter indicates zero
zero center meter. Therefore, the setting of the
deflection. The unknown voltage is then equal to
AC-de polarity switch is not critical in the dc
the reference voltage indicated on the front panel
vtvm mode. Levels A and B of AC-de polarity
voltage readout dials. Capacitor Cl is connected
switch S5, are used to reverse the polarity of
between the common input terminal and chassis
VOLTS meter M I to obtain meter deflection to
ground to bypass eddy currents from the power
the right before proceeding to the dc differential
transformer. Level E of AC-de polarity switch S5
mode of operation.
connects 88 megohms resistance in parallel with
(2) Dc differential mode. The electronic
C 1 when differentially measuring negative dc
voltmeter operates in the dc differential mode
voltages to prevent charge accumulation on Cl
when the NULL switch is set to 10, 1, .1, or .01,
from affecting accuracy.
and the AC-de polarity switch is set to +
(positive) or (negative). Levels B and C of null
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