![]() TM 11-6625-537-14-1
Control, indicator
or connector
VOLTS meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Indicates the voltage being measured in volts when used as a vtvm, Indicates
the difference in volts between the unknown voltage and the internal
reference voltage when used as a differential voltmeter. Upper scale 500-0-
500 is used when the NULL switch is set to VTVM, At all other times,
lower scale 1-0-1 is used.
Sets meter to zero mechanically. This adjustment should be used only after the
M e c h a n i c a l zero control . . . . . .
voltmeter has been turned off for at least 3 minutes, or when the internal
meter terminals have been shorted.
Provided for attaching a recorder to monitor voltage excursions. Upper
RECORDER OUTPUT terminals (on rear
panel, fig. 2-3)
terminal wiII be positive when VOLTS meter needle deflects to the left.
Varies the voltage level at the RECORDER OUTPUT terminals form O to
Gain ADJ RI control (on rear panel) . . . . . . .
approximately 20-millivolt full-scale deflection.
connect the shorting link between the lower input
3-3. Types of Operation
terminal and the chassis ground terminal when
Electronic Voltmeter ME-202(*)/U may be used
the system being measured is grounded.
as a conventional vacuum tube voltmeter or as a
d. Use of Shorting Link. A 0.47 micro farad
differential voltmeter. It may be used to measure
capacitor (C1) is connected from the middle input
positive or negative dc voltages, to measure ac
terminal to the chassis ground (lower) terminal. It
voltages, to observe excursions of a voltage about
is possible in some cases for C1 to acquire a
a nominal value, or to measure high resistances.
charge and cause inaccurate indications. F o r
3-4. Operation Precautions
example, C1 will become charged through leakage
a. General. The precautions below must be
resistance over a period of time if there is no
observed to insure maximum accuracy before
external connection to the input terminals and the
performing the following procedures,
c o n t r o l s are set as follows: RANGE to 500,
(1) Preliminary starting procedure (para 3-5).
NULL to any position, AC-de polarity to +
(2) Procedure for desired type of operation
(positive), and voltage readout dials to several
hundred volts. This condition may cause an error
b. Tilting Electronic Voltmeter. The voltage of
on measurements under 5 volts. Momentarily
the internal standard cell will temporarily change
connecting the shorting link from the chassis
if the electronic voltmeter has been inverted. The
ground terminal to the lower input terminal will
electronic voltmeter will not be able to measure
discharge C1 and prevent any inaccurate in-
voltages within specifications until the standard
cell voltage returns to its normal value. Whenever
e. Recommended NULL Control Settings for
the electronic voltmeter has been tipped more
D i f f e r e n t i a l DC Measurements. The following
than 450, allow it to remain in a normal upright
characteristics of the electronic voltmeter must be
position for at least 30 minutes before performing
c o n s i d e r e d if the NULL and RANGE switch
any differential voltage measurements.
s e t t i n g s recommended in table 3-1 for dif-
ferentially measured dc voltages are not used.
T i l t i n g will not affect accuracy of the
When the RANG E switch is set to 500, the last
e l e c t r o n i c voltmeter when used as a
voltage readout dial (E) changes the reference
conventional vtvm to measure ac or dc
v o l t a g e in steps of 0.01 volt. The unknown
voltage would therefore have to be an exact
multiple of 0.01 volt to obtain a null when the
c. Ground Loop Precautions. Potential dif-
N U L L switch is set to .1 or .01. Also, it is
ferences are often found between different points
u n l i k e l y that an unknown voltage of a few
on power system grounds. The potentials may
hundred volts will be stable within 0.01 volt. A
cause current to flow from the power system
b a d l y fluctuating line voltage may cause the
ground, through the electronic voltmeter and the
electronic voltmeter to monitor the regulation of
equipment under test and back to the power
its o w n 500-volt dc reference supply. For
system ground. These ground loop currents may
example, when differentially measuring 500 volts,
affect the accuracy of the electronic voltmeter. To
a 10 percent change in line voltage may cause the
a v o i d power system ground currents, do not
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