![]() TM 11-6625-537-14-1
Table 3-1. Operator's ControlsContinued
Control, indicator
or connector
Used for connecting to the chassis of the electronic voltmeter. A 0.47 f
Chassis ground terminal
capacitor is connected from the middle input terminal to the chassis ground
terminal. Since the chassis of the electronic voltmeter is always connected to
ground through the third wire of the three-wire power cord, the external
circuit should be checked for conflicts in grounding before connecting the
middle input terminal to the chassis ground (bottom) terminal.
Applies ac line voltage to the primary of the power transformer.
ON switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OPERATE-CALIBRATE control . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remains at the OPERATE position all times except when it is necessary to
calibrate the internal 500-volt dc reference supply. When hold at
CALIBRATE. a representative sample of the reference voltage is compared
to the voltage of an internal standard cell and any difference is indicated on
the VOLTS meter,
Varies the output of the 500-volt dc reference supply. When the OPERATE-
CALIBRATE control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CALIBRATE switch is held at CALIBRATE, the reference supply is set
accurately by adjusting the CALIBRATE control for zero VOLTS meter
a. Selects maximum input voltage ranges of 500, 50, 5, and 0.5 volts, and ac
RANGE control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
null multipliers of x100, x10, x1, and x.1 to be used, respectively, with each
voltage range. Also selects the decimal point indicator lamps for each
polarity switch set to + or ), the proper signal from a voltage divider is
connected to the meter circuit.
c. When the voltmeter is used as a differential dc voltmeter (NULL switch not
set to VTVM. AC-dc polarity switch set to + or -), the proper reference
voltage is selected.
d. When voltmeter is used as an ac vtvm (NULL switch is set to VTVM, AC-
dc polarity switch set to AC) the proper signal from a voltage divider is
connected to the meter circuit.
e. When voltmeter is used as an ac differential voltmeter (NULL switch not
set to VTVM, AC-de polarity switch set to AC), the proper AC NULL
MULT (null voltage multiplier) is selected.
NULL control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. Selects VTVM circuit or sensitivity of meter circuit.
b. VTVM connects the input voltage to the meter circuit through a voltage
divider selected by the RANGE switch.
c. 10, 1, .1 and .01 are used to perform differential voltage measurements and
connects to the meter circuit, to indicate the difference between the unknown
voltage and a known internal reference voltage indicated by the voltage
readout dials.
d. For differential dc voltage measurements, the NULL control positions
represent full scale differences between the unknown voltage and the known
internaI reference voltage indicated by the voltage readout dials.
e. For differential ac voltage measurements, the NULL control setting times
the AC NULL MULT indicated by the RANGE control, represents full scale
differences between the unknown voltage and the known internal reference
voltage indicated by the voltage readout dials.
A, B, C, D, and E voltage readout dials . . . . .
Select the amount of internal reference voltage necessary to null the unknown
voltage. These dials also provide an in-line readout of the reference voltage.
Indicator A has a range from 0 to 4; indicators B through D, a range from 0
to 9; and indicator E, a range from 0 to 10.
Serve as decimal points for the voltage readout dials. When the RANGE
Decimal point indicator lamps . . . . . . . . .
switch is set to 500, the indicator above dial D will light; when set to 50, the
indicator above dial C will light; when set to 5, the indicator above dial B
will light; when set to .5, the indicator above dial A will light.
AC-de polarity control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. Selects the ac, + dc or -- dc mode of operation.
b. When set to AC, the unknown voltage is converted to an equivalent dc
voltage and applied to the voltage divider and meter circuits.
c. When set to +, the upper input binding post is positive with respect to the
common input binding post.
d. When set to +, the upper input binding post is negative with respect to
the common input binding post. The polarity of the known internal reference
voltage, and the polarity of the VOLTS meter are reversed, and an 88
megohm resistance is connected between the common input terminal and
chassis ground, when the AC-dc polarity switch is set to --.
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