![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
Starting from point Y, wind the cord 7 1/2 times
Limiter and discriminator
counter-clockwise round the bush, take it over
pulley B, through the slot in pulley C and attach it to
All thirteen connections are soldered; the complete
the other spring at point Y'.
unit can be removed after these have been unsoldered
by releasing four nuts from the top side of the chassis.
The cover is removable to give access to all the circuits
and presets.
200 kHz and 15 kHz low-pass filters
Either of these units can be removed by unsoldering
two connections and releasing two screws. The 200 kHz
filter is adjustable through holes in the top chassis
(immediately below extension board stowage).
Oscillator drive cord
The oscillator drive cord consists of a 3 1/2 ft length
of nylon cord arranged as shown in Fig. 5-4. Before
fitting, suspend the new cord with a weight of 4 lb (2 kg)
for 24 hours.
To fit a new cord:
Turn the
Attach one end of the cord (X) to the correct spring
on pulley C.
Fig. 5-4. Fitting drive cord
Pass the cord through the slot and once clockwise
round pulley C, then over pulley A and counter-
clockwise for three-quarters of a turn round the
bush to point X'.
The two fuses are fitted in fuseholders in the rear
Ease the pin in the bush clear of the hole by means
panel. FS2 must never be changed without first switching
of a small screwdriver. Loop the cord into the hole
off the main supply, or circuit damage may result.
and push back the pin to anchor it.
Transistors that are mounted in holders may need
to be selected for low noise if replaced.
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