![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
Q2; one via a switch, so that on the 5 to 500kHz
output impedance of Q3. This gives the circuit a wide
deviation ranges the meter circuit is connected to
band response which is flat to within the limits of the i. f.
terminal 7, and the other from terminal 9 to the DE-
amplifier. MR1 feeds into a resistive load and a fraction
EMPHASIS switch. On the 1.5 kHz deviation range the
of the voltage developed across the load is tapped off
meter circuit is connected to the output of the amplifier
and fed to a 50 kHz low-pass filter.
by terminal 11.
When the Function switch, SB, is in positions
The remainder of the amplifier is the same as the
TROUGH or PEAK, the detected signal is fed via
first 1. f. amplifier and its output is taken to the front
terminal 12 to the range switch, the 2nd i. f. amplifier and
panel terminals. Headphones may be used here, or a
the meter circuit.
distortion factor meter, external meter (or oscilloscope).
The output impedance is 600 Q1, and is isolated by C11.
When making an a. m. measurement, the internal
Do not allow d. c. to reach the OUTPUT terminals so as
meter is switched directly to terminal 7 by the Function
to avoid damaging C11, which is a low voltage
switch, SB, and the d. c. component adjusted by RV1,
electrolytic capacitor.
SET AM control, until the meter reads SET.
The d. c. component is also used for setting the
3.12 PEAK READING METER (Unit A10-Fig. 7-4)
input level to the i. f. amplifier, thus ensuring correct
loading and good signal-to-noise ratio. On position
For reading modulation depth and deviation, and for
setting the f. m. calibration, the peak reading meter
Function switch, a fixed resistor, R1, is switched in place
circuit is brought into use.
of RV1 and the correct level set up by adjusting the input
attenuator until the meter indicates within the black arc.
Q1 and Q2 amplify the signal from the 2nd 1. f.
amplifier and RV1 presets the gain of the amplifier. The
remainder of the circuit consists of two similar pairs of
semiconductors arranged in push-pull, driving the meter
The A. M./DEV RANGE switch, SC, controls three
via rectifier MR1. The polarity of the meter can be
Tr pads of 10, 20 and 20 dB respectively. These
switched to read trough or peak on a. m., the positive or
attenuating pads are inserted in steps as follows:
negative deviation on f. m. Feedback is used to stabilize
the gain, reduce distortion and broaden the fre-quency
response. The feedback loops include R3, R12, C14,
R16, R19 and R24.
1.5kHz f. m.
5 kHz f. m.
The meter is also used to measure the d. c.
15 kHz f. m., 30% a. m.
10 dB
component of the output from the a. m. detector for i. f.
50 kHz f. m. , 100% a. m.
20 dB
level monitoring and tuning, and in the position SET
150 kHz f. m.
10 dB +20 dB
FREQ it reads the voltage developed by a counter circuit
500 kHz f. m.
20 dB + 20 dB
in the limiter thus monitoring the frequency from the
mixer for fine tuning purposes.
If should be noted that the meter has two deviation
scales; ranges 2, 4, 6 are associated with the bottom
scale and the other ranges with the upper.
3.13 A.M. detector (Unit All-Fig. 7-5)
Also on the chassis is a single attenuator pad for
The diode detector, MR1, is preceded by Q2 and
the calibrator. This is switched in place of the range
Q3 which are arranged in a composite emitter follower
attenuator on the SET CAL position of the Function
configuration to give a large peak-to-peak signal without
switch. This pad incorporates a variable resistor, RV3,
distortion, and thus allowing MR1 to operate over the
which is mounted on the top of the chassis immediately
linear part of its forward characteristic. The input to the
to the rear of the calibrator board. RV3 standardizes the
detector is via a common-emitter amplifier, Q1, stabilized
calibration circuit to the meter.
by negative feedback through R6 and R7.
MR1 is fed directly from a tuned circuit, C4 and L1,
which is heavily damped by the low
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