![]() TM 11-6625-3017-14
switch to SET CAL and check that the
deflection and then adjust LEVEL to give a meter
meter reads SET. If necessary, adjust the
deflection in the black R. F. LEVEL arc,
f.m. calibration by inserting a screwdriver in
preferably towards the lower end for best mixing
the SET CAL F.M. preset and adjusting
and hence minimum distortion.
until the meter reads SET.
Set the Function switch to A.M. - SET FREQ.
Slightly readjust the OSCILLATOR TUNE control
Do not attempt to SET CAL on the 1.5 kHz
until the meter deflects to the SET line. Avoid
f.m. deviation range.
Noise in f.m.
spurious settings - the correct one is the closest
to the original setting obtained in (3).
Set the Function switch to SET A.M. Adjust the
To accommodate signals with up to 100%
adjacent SET A, M. control until the meter reads
amplitude modulation the maximum r. f. input level, as
on the SET line. Note that this setting can be
indicated by full-scale deflection on the black meter arc,
done with or without modulation since the
is set at 6 dB below the maximum amplitude which the i.
adjustment is to the mean level of the i. f.
f. amplifier can handle. When making measurements
signal. However, appreciable even harmonic
on f.m. signals including f.m. noise, and f.m. on a. m.,
distortion can affect the setting accuracy and, in
this extra level capability of the i. f. amplifier can be
such circumstances, it is preferable to set up
used with advantage to reduce the internally generated
without modulation.
noise to a minimum. This is useful when measuring
Set the Function switch to A.M. PEAK. Read the
noise on signal sources or when measuring deviations in
percentage modulation depth at the peak
the 5 kHz range on the 200 kHz bandwidth so that errors
Set the Function switch to A.M. TROUGH. Read
due to noise are minimized.
the percentage modulation depth at the trough.
When the peak and trough readings are
The optimum r. f. level is set by monitoring the i.
unequal, distortion is present in the input signal.
f. signal at the I. F. OUT socket and adjusting the r. f.
input level for the maximum undistorted i. f. signal.
Alternatively, if no means of monitoring the i. f. signal is
available, it is sufficient to increase the r. f. input level
To measure the spurious f.m. on an amp-
until the noise signal being measured is at a minimum, or
litude modulated source, proceed as for f.m.
if deviation is being measured, until the deviation reading
measurement, section 2.5.
is at a minimum.
A certain amount of spurious f.m. is introduced by
the instrument itself.
When the carrier is deeply
modulated, at high modulating frequencies, this should
be taken into consideration, but below 40% depth in the
After carrying out the preparation procedure in
audio range of frequencies the spurious deviation is not
very significant. At 80% depth and 1 kHz frequency, the
maximum spurious deviation is typically less than 150 Hz
Set the A. M./DEV RANGE switch (below the
referred to the 15 kHz bandwidth.
meter) to the 30% or 100% a.m. depth range
according to the expected modulation depth of
the signal under test.
be used for general guidance purposes only .
Set the oscillator RANGE switch in accordance
with table 2.1. For detailed instruct- ions on
oscillator arrangements, see section 2.10. In
this section, it is assumed that the internal local
oscillator will be used.
Set the Function switch to TUNE OSCILLATOR
Adjust the OSCIL-
LATOR TUNE dial to a frequency of 1.5 MHz
above the input frequency. Tune for peak
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