![]() Section Il. FINAL TESTING
22, 23, 24, and 36, steps 3 and 4, are within
the Iimits specified for each test, the equip-
The final tests are designed to measure the
ment will furnish satisfactory operation, equiv-
performance capability of a repaired equip-
alent to that of new equipment.
m e n t . Equipment that meets the minimum
b. If a second TV-7(*)/U is available,
standards stated in the referenced tests will
make a comparison check. Test several known
furnish satisfactory operation, equivalent to
good tubes in the test set that has been re-
that of new equipment.
paired; then test the same tubes in the second
test set. Compare the results. If the pointers
There are no separate final tests for the
of both equipment meters indicate the same
or nearly the same, the repaired test set may
a. If the results of the tests in paragraphs
be returned to service.
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