![]() suited in reference to a particular item of the
sistance values are indicated on the schematic
chart, go directly to the referenced item. If no
diagrams (fig. 42-44). Depending on the na-
ture of the operational symptoms, one or more
operational symptoms are known, begin with
of the isolating procedures will be necessary,
item 1 of the equipment performance checklist
b. Use of Chart. The troubleshooting chart
( T M 11-6625-274-12) and proceed until a
is designed to supplement operational checks
symptom of trouble appears.
which can be performed at an organizational
level. If previous operational checks have re-
c. Troubleshooting
Meter pointer deflects beyond full
C104 shorted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replace C104.
scale when POWER switch is set
to ON.
Defective PILOT lamp or lamp
PILOT lamp does not light when
Tighten lamp in socket. Check
POWER switch is set to ON.
loose in socket.
continuity if lamp does not
Open conductor in ac line cord,
Set POWER switch to ON and
connect ohmmeter between
open FUSE lamp E103, R126,
T101 primary, or defective
prongs of ac line cord plug.
switch S111.
If meter indicates zero, check
R126, FUSE lamp E108, switch
S111, T101 primary, and each
conductor in the ac line cord.
Replace as necessary.
Open secondary No. 7 of T101.
Check for continuity between
terminals 22 and 28 of T101.
Replace T101 if necessary.
R123 or R125 open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replace R123 or R125.
Meter pointer will not adjust to
Defective transformer T101 . . . . . . . .
Check resistance of T101 (para
17). Replace T101 if neces-
Replace CR101.
Defective rectifier CR101 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check meter and replace if nec-
Defective meter M101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Check and replace shorted com-
Rectifier CR101 or C103 shorted.
No meter indication when perform-
ing line adjustment check.
Replace R124, R134, or T101.
R124, R134, (TV-7B/U and TV-
7D/U), or secondary No. 7 of
T101 open.
Depress pushbutton 1--LINE
Pushbutton switch S110-1 con-
ADJ. several times. Clean
tacts not making properly.
switch contacts. Replace
switch S110 if necessary.
Replace R108, C102, or C105.
R108 or C102 open, or C105
SHORTS lamp does not light when
checking shorts test circuit (para
17e, TM 11-6626-274-12).
Check and replace if necessary.
Secondary No. 2 of T101 open.
Rotate each selector switch knob
Defective selector switch contact.
and reset to test position.
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