TM 11-6625-2405-1H5
listings in paragraph 1-6. Report all discrepan-
2-1. Unpacking
cies in accordance with TM 38-750. Shortage of a
When packed for shipment, the maintenance ac-
minor assembly or part that does not affect pro-
cessories kit is placed in a corrugated shipping
er functioning should not prevent use of the
carton. The outside dimensions of the carton are
maintenance accessories kit.
approximately 10 by 19 by 22 inches. The volume
is approximately 1.3 cubic feet. Open the top
2-3. Installation
flaps of the corrugated carton, fold them back,
No specific installation instructions are required.
and remove the MK-1192/ARM.
The accessories are ready for immediate use upon
arrival at the direct support unit. The work bench
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
to be used should be of suitable size to accommo-
a. Inspect the maintenance accessories kit for
date a Test Facilities Kit MK-91914/AR, the radio
damage incurred during shipment. If the mainte-
set to be checked, applicable components of the
nance accessories kit has been damaged, report
maintenance accessory kit (para 1-6) and other
the damage on DD Form 6 (para 1-3 b).
common test equipment such as a multimeter,
signal generator etc. used for testing the radio
b. See that the maintenance accessories kit is
set. A convenient source of 28 volts dc is re-
complete as listed on the packing slip. If a pack-
quired for the MK-994/AR.
ing slip is not included, check the kit against the
points on extender boards for printed circuit
2-4. General
The maintenance accessories kit is a passive de-
vice and contains only one operating control, the
2-5. Connections
(figs. 2-1-2-7)
ON-OFF switch on each breakout box. Aside
from use of that toggle switch, there is no opera-
Specific items of the maintenance accessory kit to
tion as such. By use of the termination box and
be used in testing any radio sets are specified in
associated cables (connected through the cord
the direct support technical manual (Appendix
and U-93A/U plug to the MK-994/AR) audio
A) for that radio set. Similarly, the connections
signals can be applied to the microphone circuits
to be made, the card extenders to be used, and
of the radio set and audio output signals from
adapter connectors needed, depend on the tests
the radio set can be monitored and measured. In
or measurments to be performed.
addition, direct support level maintenance per-
a. Place the components on a work bench near
sonnel are afforded access to the following:
the test facilities kit and the power source.
a. Certain adjustment points inside the radio
b. Open the radio set to be tested; follow in-
structions in the applicable technical manual to
b. Voltage- and resistance- measurement
separate the front and rear halves and to remove
points in the line between the MK-994/AR and
top or bottom covers as required.
the external power and control connector (A2J1)
the radio set.
If in-line measurements are required, use break-
out box; if only internal measurements or cer-
tain adjustments are to be made, use the ex-
points in the front-rear connector of the radio set.
tender cable.
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