![]() TM11-5895-932-14&P
(4) The electrical circuit that is set up when the
b. Internal circuits are 45 identical switches and
operator presses the alarm switch results in
components used for controlling the alarm and items
energizing the coil in S2 (alarm switch). Current flow
common to all circuits such as power.
is now routed through limiting resistor, R2, through
(1) Following an alarm ground, generated by
the coil of S2, which holds the armature and switch
the closing of a switch, left side of figure 5-2,
S2 in the locked position, and through diode CR2 to
through the main connector pin 1, the following
ground. This condition holds until the alarm ground
action occurs: diode CR1 and CR2 are forward
on the input to the alarm panel is removed by
biased; one path of current flows through CR1,
clearing the trouble which caused the alarm.
indicating lamps (part of S2), voltage dropping
(5) To test the lamps on the alarm panel, switch
resistor R1, to the negative power supply connected
S1 is provided. When the switch is pressed, a ground
at pins 57 through 60 of the main connector. The
is connected to the input of all 45 alarm switch
indicating lamps are part of switch S2 and cause the
circuits. They are all similar to circuit #1 shown.
segment on the front panel representing the alarm to
Diodes CR3 and CR135 are forward biased and
light, signaling the alarm condition.
(2) The other current path is through diode
current flows through each individual lamp from the
CR2 through the relay contacts to pin 46 of the main
negative power supply.
connector . This path provides an interuptable
output ground (at pin 46) which goes to the audible
alarm. The other side of the audible alarm (not
Main ac power is first distributed through
shown) is connected to the -48 vdc supply. The
the distribution box located near the door.
current path is from the negative 48 vdc supply to
Power for operation of the patch and test facility are
the audible alarm; to pin 46 on the alarm panel;
provided as follows: alternating current (ac) is
through the normally closed switch contact of S2;
provided through power distribution boxes located
through forward biased diode CR2; to pin 1 on the
in the main room and crypto vault (fig. l-l); direct
main connector on the alarm panel.
current (dc) is provided by the dc power supply
(3) As the result of the alarm ground input to
located in bay 1.10. Schematic and wiring diagrams
the alarm panel, the indicator lamps light and the
for power distribution are provided by figures 5-3,
audible alarm sounds. The operator responding to
5-4, 5-5, and 5-6.
the alarm, presses the alarm switch (lighted panel
segment) on the alarm panel front. This action
silences the audible alarm and sets the alarm switch
into the manual lock, or latch position.
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