![]() TM11-5895-932-l4&P
Section I. GENERAL
Organizational Maintenance
Maintenance for a PTF includes the following
a. Materials.
(1) Lint-free cloth.
a. Daily and weekly preventive maintenance
(2) Brush (MIL-G-7241).
checks and services (para 4-5).
(3) Distilled water.
b. Monthly preventive maintenance checks and
(4) Lubricating oil,
services (para 4-6).
general purpose,
preservative (PL Special).
c. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks and
(5) Fine sandpaper, No. 000.
services (para 4-7).
d. Cleaning (para 4-8).
b. Test Equipment. All rack-mounted test
e. Touchup painting (para 4-9).
equipment in test bay 1.8 and that listed in
f. Troubleshooting.
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
Preventive maintenance checks and services of the
inspection, and servicing of equipment to maintain
it in serviceable condition and assure maximum
PTF are required on a daily, weekly, monthly, and
operational capability. Preventive maintenance is
quarterly basis, unless otherwise directed by the
the responsibility of PTF maintenance personnel.
station commander.
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
a. Paragraph 4-5 specifies checks and services
paragraphs 4-4, 4-5. 4-6, and 4-7 cover routine
that must be accomplished weekly and under the
systematic care and cleaning essential to proper
special conditions listed below.
upkeep and operation of the equipment.
(1) When the equipment is initially installed.
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Serv-
(2) When the equipment is reinstalled after
ices. The preventive maintenance checks and
removal for any reason.
service charts (paras 4-5 through 4-7) outline
(3) At least once each month if the equipment
functions to be performed at specific intervals
is maintained in standby condition.
(para 4-4). These checks and services are to
b. Paragraphs 4-6 and 4-7 specify additional
maintain equipment in good general (physical)
maintenance checks and services that must be
condition and in good operating condition. To
performed monthly and quarterly, respectively.
assist maintenance personnel in maintaining the
equipment in peak condition, the charts indicate
Checks and Service Charts
what to check, how to check, and the normal
Perform the maintenance functions indicated in the
conditions. T h e r e f e r e n c e c o l u m n l i s t s t h e
daily and weekly preventive maintenance checks
paragraphs or manuals that contain detailed repair
and service charts below, daily and weekly,
or replacement procedures. If a defect is noted that
respectively. Adjustment of the maintenance in-
cannot be remedied by the PTF maintenance
terval must be made to compensate for any
personnel, refer to a high category of maintenance
unusual operating conditions.
or repair.
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