![]() TM11-5895-932-l4&P
signal sent to the teletypewriter terminals; and the
high level dc patch panel.
The circuits that pass through the PTF can be
b. AUTODIN Lines. The AUTODIN lines
placed in three general categories: the teletype (dc)
handle the two AUTODIN duplex lines that travel
lines, the AUTODIN lines, and the lines to the
through the PTF. Shown on the left side of the
remote terminals (vf) (both secure and unsecure).
diagram is the station entrance at the signal line
The simplified diagram (fig. 2-3) shows the
filter and two sets of panel jacks at the vf patch
configurations and symbols that represent the
panel. Following the signal through to the AMME
major equipment blocks and interface.
there is the WU modem block, the black dc patch
a. DC lines. The dc lines handle low speed
panel, the WU junction box, and the red dc patch.
teletpye signals as shown on the left hand side of
The WU modem functions to modulate the AMME
the diagram. Moving across the diagram from left
signal or transmission to the ASC and demodulate
to right, the line encounters the red dc patch as
the signal from the ASC. The signal between
showon by the symbol for two normal through and
modem and AMME is carried on 12 wires and
two monitor jacks. The circle symbols on the line
requires a special 12-wire patch panel. Six wires
represent terminals in the distribution frame to
are used for each direction of signal flow. The WU
which the wire pairs are connected and can be
junction box is the entrance point to the COMSEC
identified on the station as-built cross-connect
devices; it also provides for switching in spare
drawings. The red-black isolators, which provide
COMSEC units and testing by connecting the
isolation of the red wiring from the black wiring;
transmit and received lines together (back-to-back
the black dc patch; the DLIU which changes the
low level signals used by AMME to high level
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