![]() TM11-5895-932-14&
2-1. General
minals. As with the ASCs, AMME also performs
other functions in connection with the transmission
This chapter provides an introduction to the
of the data and message traffic. The AMME
circuits and signals that are handled by the PTF.
contains equipment to record all traffic; send
The introduction is made on a block diagram and
traffic to the proper remote terminal (if addressed
simplified circuit diagram level. Complete circuit
properly), provide AUTODIN routing symbols on
details including pin numbers, and cable routing is
outgoing messages; and other message handling
available in the plant-in-place records (para 3-3)
functions. The AMME equipment is leased and
which are available at every telecommunication
maintained by a private contractor.
station. Detailed functioning of the individual
(3) Remote terminals. There are several
items of equipment represented by the blocks in
different equipment configurations used at the
the block diagram is covered in separate manuals
remote terminals. The equipments required depends
(app A).
on the traffic intended to the remote terminal
(narrative teletype or fast speed data). A remote
a. The PTF described in this manual is part of
terminal may have any combination of a card
the Automated Telecommunications Station at
reader, a card punch, a line printer, and a visual
Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, Pen-
display unit (VDU); fast data systems have
nsylvania. The station itself is a Defense Com-
equipments unique to their needs.
munication System (DCS) Automatic Digital
Network (AUTODIN) tributary station, part of a
a. Station Signal Routing (fig. 2-1). The signal
worldwide system of tributaries interconnected
flow for received and transmitted traffic to the
through 19 Automatic Switching Centers (ASC),
telecommunications station passes through the
which function to route messages and data traffic
PTF. The received signal flow from the ASC enters
between tributaries. Each ASC essentially func-
the station through signal line filters to the PTF,
tions to receive, store, and forward messages
is processed and fed to AMME, where the heading
between tributaries and ASCs but also performs
is read, and fed back through the PTF to the
other functions in connection with the traffic it
intended remote terminal. A transmitted signal
handles, such as error indication, proper delivery
from a remote terminal follows the reverse of a
address, timely delivery (automatic time mark),
received signal, from the remote terminal to the
and message security. The ASC also contains
PTF, to AMME, back to PTF, and then to the
equipment which is used to interface with different
types of equipment contained at the tributary
b. ASC Signal. The signal received from, and
stations and to transmit and receive the digital
also transmitted to the ASC, is a data message
messages on the voice frequency communications
which has been incrypted for message security and
channels used between stations.
changed to an analog signal for transmittal on the
b. For the purpose of this discussion the Let-
voice frequency lines between stations. On the
terkenny Automated Telecommunications Station
block diagram (fig. 2-1) the ASC signal is shown
can be separated into three functional sections: the
entering the PTF at the signal line filter panel
Patch and Test Facility (PTF), the Automated
Multimedia Exchange (AMME);
and a system of
(1) The ASC signal proceeds through the PTF
remote terminals.
to and from the AMME through several significant
(1) PTF. The patch and test portion of the
blocks. The blocks represent equipment which
station is used to terminate all communication
lines for the station. It contains equipment for
either modifies the signal, such as the modem or
cryptobay, or provides access to the signal for
testing, such as the patch panel blocks. The
signal line filter panel, which contains a separate,
shielded, low pass filter for every signal line that
enters the PTF, prevents the signal lines from
radiating unwanted and possibly security com-
promising signals.
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