TM 11-5895-878-14&P
circuits or trunks; to amend previously issued TSO's,
(1) Coordinating the restoration of assigned circuits
and to effect administrative changes. The TSO gives
to include coordination with the appropriate DOCC
the following information:
element when rerouting of a circuit is necessary to
a. Issuing office.
restore j service.
b. The year it is issued.
(2) Directing the troubleshooting effort when
necessary to clear the trouble of the disrupted segment.
c. TSO serial number.
(3) Reviewing the record of temporary path
d. Circuit identification.
changes on a regular basis and taking action to have the
e. The sequential action being taken on the circuit.
regular path restored.
(4) Keeping the appropriate DOCC and O&M
4-11. Patch and Test Facilities
elements, subscriber, and concerned TCF's advised of
a. In order to effect the very close coordination
the progress of restoration work or of any conditions that
required to activate circuits in the DCS, the P&T may be
may effect service availability.
assigned the responsibility for activating a circuit from
(5) Establishing procedures for handling and
end-to-end (circuit control office (CCO)) or only as an
recording service interruptions.
intermediate DCS station TCF with the responsibility for
(6) Bringing unsatisfactory conditions which
coordinating all action necessary to activate the circuit
are beyond the authority or capabilities of the TCF to the
within the TCF.
attention of the appropriate DOCC and O&M element.
b. The Circuit Control Office (CCO) or Special
Circuit Control Office (SCCO) is designated by the DCA
responsible for:
Circuit Engineering office on each TSO.
designed as the CCO of a circuit, the TCF has the
(1) Ensuring timely completion of all actions
following responsibilities:
required to activate, change, or deactivate circuits
terminating in or passing through the station.
(1) Scheduling and coordinating activation of
the circuit, out-of-service quality control testing, and all
(2) Restore or reroute disrupted circuits over
other actions of the TSO for the life of the circuit.
available facilities on the basis of the predetermined
National Communications System (NCS) restoration
(2) Ensure that each TCF, PTC, user
priority. The technical control that first becomes aware
terminal, and commercial agency involved is ready to
of the outage is responsible for initiating the restoration
provide the required service 72 hours prior to the
and the follow through actions concerning the
service date.
restoration until service is restored.
(3) Complete overall line-up test, direct
(3) Reporting to the DOCC all information
necessary adjustments, and ascertain that the circuit
required concerning an outage in accordance with
meets the specified technical schedule before
reporting procedures in the appropriate DCA directive.
(4) Review the record of the temporary path
(4) Advise the appropriate DCA Operations
changes on a regular basis, and take the necessary
Control Complex (DC)CC) and Operation and
steps to restore the regular path. Take action to remove
Maintenance (O&M) element of any conditions,
locally authorized circuits promptly and consult with the
incomplete line-ups, or exceptions which might affect
appropriate control concerning action on other patches.
service. This would include such as operating a through
circuit for terminal use only or operating with one-way
(5) Notify the circuit control office when a
transmission capability on a normal two-way circuit.
circuit has been materially altered or routed over a new
path or restored after a prolonged outage (e.g. 72
(5) Prepare and implement out-of-service
hours) in order that the circuit can be retested end-to-
quality control test schedules for routine testing in
harmony with traffic conditions and user requirements.
(6) Respond to the technical supervision of
(6) Record and file the required test
the Facilities Control Office (FCO), SCCO, or
Intermediate Control Office (ICO) in all matters
(7) Initiate localization and correction of
concerning the fault location, rerouting, and restoration
trouble that is discovered during the quality control tests.
of the circuit.
(8) Test or coordinate testing of any circuit,
(7) Activate on-call and overload circuits in
end-to-end, that has been materially altered or rerouted
accordance with established procedures.
over a new path or restored after an extended outage
(8) Review the facility and equipment
(e.g. 72 hours).
situation periodically and make recommendations for
(9) Ensure that all TCF's on the circuit patch
beneficial changes. This includes any facilities and
are advised to take down patches and cross-connects
equipment that becomes available when service is
when a circuit is discontinued.
(10) Report immediately to the appropriate
(9) Publish and post notices as appropriate to
DOCC element all instances of negative or untimely
technical controllers. These notices will contain the
response from patch and test facilities, TCF's, or
following information:
commercial agencies during circuit activation.
(a) Additions, deletions, or changes in circuitry.
c. In addition to the functional responsibilities of a
CCO, the SCCO is responsible for:
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