![]() TM 11-5895-878-14&P
unclassified information concerning circuit restoral,
(b) Patch the Pattern Generator output
quality control circuit engineering and other information
(EST MESSAGE jack) into the LINE jack appearance of
needed to maintain and build circuit integrity. Voice
the subscriber receive circuit at the DC patch bay, and
orderwire should be used for what they were intended
transmit the Fox test message to the subscriber station.
since the maximum efficiency of the control operation is
The range control of the subscriber teletype machine
through adherence to orderwire procedures.
should be adjusted by maintenance personnel to the
a. In answering the phone, you say (speaking
midpoint of the range over which perfect page copy is
assertively) Pentagon Technical Control, Specialist
(give last name) speaking sir, may I help you (unless
(c) Upon correction of the reported fault
otherwise directed by local SOP's).
condition, he should complete station records, trouble
b. On voice orderwire be courteous, speak slowly
reports, and log entries.
and enunciate clearly. These simple practices will
alleviate unnecessary and costly (both in time and
3-14. Orderwire Procedures
money) call backs to better explain the problem or to
Effective operation of DCS Transmission facilities
correct misunderstandings. Always close with your
requires frequent coordination between Technical
initials or call sign and request the same from the party
Control Facilities. The voice orderwire, the telephone
you are speaking to. This last practice might someday
and the intercom system to the various users
protect you from personal error.
maintenance personnel are used to rapidly disseminate
3-15. Origination of Requirements
identifying the circuitry, channels, links, jacks, IDF
Communications services requirements can be
connections, panels and equipments used. The stations
originated at any command level, but must be
must also forward all detailed record data needed by
coordinated with, and approved by the command
DCA and ACC to keep the system records completely
echelon responsible for the operation of the system, or
current at all times.
at the level exercising control over the communications
c. The cross-connect instructions that constitute a
facilities in a particular area.
Circuit Order are issued directly to the stations
requirements affecting the Pentagon station are
concerned, by the agency responsible for circuit design
determined by DCA, processed through ACC and are
and channel allocation. ACC, however, must receive an
implemented under the direction and supervision of
information or record copy and has overall responsibility
for the correct implementation of the Circuit Orders.
ACC furnishes technical advice to the stations, upon
3-16. Circuit Activation
request, and directs the stations in testing newly
When a request for circuit activation is initiated, all
established or rearranged circuits. It also maintains
known or determinable data pertaining to the service
centralized records of equipment assignments, cable
requirement normally accompanies the request. This
pairs, channelization, routing, and complete statistical
data will include the applicable items of circuit priority,
data on the entire system operation.
type of service required, number and locations of
subscribers or extensions involved, circuit time element
3-1 7. Circuit Deactivation
(full time, part time common user, trunk tributary), and
At such time as requirements for a particular
desired activation date.
communications service no longer exists, the circuits,
a. Upon receipt of the activation order, ACC, from
channels, equipments and facilities employed in
records on hand, determines: Any technical
providing that service are deactivated, and a status
requirements which must be satisfied; the stations
change of the facilities and equipments involved is
enroute; and types and amounts of equipments or
entered on all applicable records.
Normally, the
materials involved. Depending upon time availability
termination of requirements is foreseen in sufficient time
prior to the activation date, ACC processes the
that the deactivation requests and orders can be
activation order to the appropriate station or unit
scheduled for inclusion in the normal system workload.
concerned, either by normal administrative distribution
The sequence of authority for circuit deactivation is the
or over the teletype orderwire facilities.
same as for establishing new services. ACC issues the
b. Each station supervisor verifies that the order is
termination orders to include dates, times, and facilities
applicable to his station and schedules the work to
or equipments involved. The station supervisor includes
completion. At the indicated time, station personnel
the work in appropriate work schedules and, on
install the required cross-connections at the IDF and
completion, all station records are updated and a
associated equipments, and adjust appropriate patches,
detailed report forwarded to ACC. ACC records are
controls and equipments to optimum operating
then updated and all of the required change information
efficiency. As soon as the circuits are aligned and in
which is included in the station report is forwarded
operation, the stations complete in-station records
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